Who is better Diora or Keeley? (Battle of the massive big tits)

Diora Biard vs. Keeley Hazell (battle of the natural massive tits)

A Tit's man dream is all i can say.
I can't stop thinking of both these women. There my favorite 2.
Both would be great for tit-fucking all day and night.
What do you people think?


http://www.popoholic.com/photo.php?...-02&title=Diora Baird Stuff Magazine Pictures




Keeley Hazell:


Who do you rather tit-fuck?
and if you can do only thing to them.what would it be?

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knows petras secret: she farted.
i get scared when i see massive tit threads because they are usually those ridiculous things, but these girls are just well endowed. pretty too.
Keeley's breasts, but Diora's face. Keeley is pretty, but her face is strangely asexual.

Perhaps it was that 'Audrey Hepburn' lookalike spread she did. I found her hot enough when she was doing Zoo commercials.


Is somewhere outhere.
I'd go for Keeley.

My mate showed me a film on his mobile of her giving a guy a BJ.....she looked very dirty.

The guy was certinly "1 jammy bastard" :D


i have to say i like both a helluva lot.... keely looks like one of my friends (yes i have friend and some are girls) who is hot my friend boobs arnt that big tho .... diora is extremely sexy beautiful and an all around hottie so i dont know
I think Keeley is hotter. This is the first time I've heard of Diora.
I used to be a Keeley Fan. Then I discovered Diora. Now I am a Diora fan.

She win hands down.

P.S. I've downloaded Keeley's sex tape in full. It's extremely lame.
Why pick?

These two glamourous babes are very attractive. Why pick?

At the same time, there are much more beautiful women in my eyes out there, with less of the same men lusting over them too (more availability).