Who in hell still thinks it's a good idea to go sailing off the East Coast of Africa?


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
Re: Who in hell still thinks it's a good idea to go sailing off the East Coast of Afr

Is the suicide rate there really that high? I have heard it referenced before in other posts as well.

Actually Finland's only number 14 in the suicide charts.

Lithuania, it's neighbor, is number 1 ....actually most of the former commie, eastern European shit holes are up in the top ten 10-20.

Check out the check out chart

Re: Who in hell still thinks it's a good idea to go sailing off the East Coast of Afr

In a sane world, these parents would be executed for even suggesting that a family trip to the Somalian coast is a remotely acceptable idea in the first place. It wouldn't surprise me to find out that the national broadcaster in Denmark recently aired a prime-time special extolling the beautiful beaches of Mogadishu.

Bad pirates! Bad! You have been bad boys! We are just a friendly family from Denmark!? We come in peace!

Seriously, wtf do you expect.

I feel bad for the kids.