Who here can sustain the longest erection (in one go)?

qweretyuiopas@ said:
LOL I though michelle lopez was gonna say something like *I know poggy can keep it up for hours lol*

Well,,,I'll leave that up to him. wouln't want to make him blush. :1orglaugh
The longest time I ever hold it hard was something like 3+ hours, it ended up with an awful orgasm :eek: :thumbsup:
Excuse me for interrupting this thread, but some of Nightfly's posts really kill the momentum of this board. He needs to learn to lighten up a bit, and regardless of his opinions he disrespects people on here, and even pornstars/celebrities. Thats uncalled regardless of your views or opinions.

Last time I checked this still is a porn site, yet sometimes it doesn't feel like it when Nightfly makes his comments. Someone has to agree with me on this. I am trying to do it in a calm manner also, witout resorting myself to insults and put downs (thats what PMs are for)

Thats my 2-cents.

By the way the longest I think I have gone is about 3 hous, but how do you keep track?
A couple of hours for me. I seem to remember going some five hours once, but it's many years ago, and I can't quite rember if I took a break or two.

Freakybastard said:
Excuse me for interrupting this thread, but some of Nightfly's posts really kill the momentum of this board. He needs to learn to lighten up a bit, and regardless of his opinions he disrespects people on here, and even pornstars/celebrities. Thats uncalled regardless of your views or opinions.

Last time I checked this still is a porn site, yet sometimes it doesn't feel like it when Nightfly makes his comments. Someone has to agree with me on this. I am trying to do it in a calm manner also, witout resorting myself to insults and put downs (thats what PMs are for)

Thats my 2-cents.

By the way the longest I think I have gone is about 3 hous, but how do you keep track?
I think that there should be room for some fun, but just because this is an adult board, doesn't mean that we can't have serious discussions too. And we can show respect, both for each other and for the rules.
I don't really see Nightfly's comments as disrespectful or threatening, because I pretty much feel the same way, but the post that started all of this was apparantly against the rules of the board. So I guess it's up to the mods to handle it, and they have done just that.

But this is probably just too off topic, and probably a little too sensitive subject too, so I'm not quite sure how good an idea it is to go on with it. Besides, everything is back on track again.
Aegis said:
A couple of hours for me. I seem to remember going some five hours once, but it's many years ago, and I can't quite rember if I took a break or two.

I think that there should be room for some fun, but just because this is an adult board, doesn't mean that we can't have serious discussions too. And we can show respect, both for each other and for the rules.
I don't really see Nightfly's comments as disrespectful or threatening, because I pretty much feel the same way, but the post that started all of this was apparantly against the rules of the board. So I guess it's up to the mods to handle it, and they have done just that.

But this is probably just too off topic, and probably a little too sensitive subject too, so I'm not quite sure how good an idea it is to go on with it. Besides, everything is back on track again.

Oh I know it is, and I'm glad, but there is a time when you just have to let certain things said on here slide. Plus you know when to quit while your ahead, while Nightfly just goes on and on.
This thread started on a reasonable note, and went way out of control. No one supports what the conflict turned into publicly. Just the implication of sex with children can't be tolerated here or anywhere and has to be addressed immediately. It was with quite a lot of discussion that we took the actions we did, which were rather mild in my opinion.

It's time to just drop it completely.
I can (this is a completely subjective opinion, backed up by no empirical evidence/data whatsoever!).
AFA said:
Wasn't the question, "Who here can sustain the longest erection (in one go)"?

Sounds like we're talking size not time! :jester:
i beg to differ... solely based on the fact that the thread starter made this thread and posted his longest Time that he sustained an erection.
knowing the result it would come out with... well not expecting this beg a blowout, i light-heartedly made a crack when saying 17 days. that was yesterday... so 18 days now, and a few hours... and still alive and going.

so i think the thread starter intended time.
The longest erection I've ever had was probably for about 20 minutes or so. I never timed it and I've never been in a situation where I've purposely force myself to stay as hard as I possibly could, and I don't think I'll be doing it anytime soon either :\
juballs said:
i beg to differ... solely based on the fact that the thread starter made this thread and posted his longest Time that he sustained an erection.
knowing the result it would come out with... well not expecting this beg a blowout, i light-heartedly made a crack when saying 17 days. that was yesterday... so 18 days now, and a few hours... and still alive and going.

so i think the thread starter intended time.

Ah ha ha ha!

Give me a minute to think about this. If we know both time and length, (distance), we should also be able to solve for speed? :jester:
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juballs said:
that was yesterday... so 18 days now, and a few hours... and still alive and going.

Damn it looks like you have me beat. I could only go for 16 days, but at least I had a 15-day orgasm with that. ;) :1orglaugh


Center of the fothermucking universe
mythex said:
just looking at her maybe you can endure for more than 10 hours....LOL
You kiddin'?

It's still up!

Hasn't waned since early this morning. She has the miraculous ability to give me an erection that continues after I've ejaculated.

She's bestowed me with an eternal chubby! :rofl:
