Who else hates the guy in the T mobile advert?


Sorry here across the pond as you all say in merry olde england we have Catherine Zeta Jones. SMOKING HOT. Now that Verzion guy is pretty annoying
Provide me with an alibi.

A) You were startled by him and his goofy group of friends following you around, so after hearing "Can you hear me now" you decided to beat him to death because everyone hates an annoying prick.

B) He was talking on his cell phone while walking across the street and failed to notice your car coming at him.
Sounds stupid but all I could find were videos of an entire crowd of people singing to a T.V. but it didn't seem like an advert.


Sounds stupid but all I could find were videos of an entire crowd of people singing to a T.V. but it didn't seem like an advert.

Yeah me too , but its from the same thing just cant find the advert with him :mad:
Hes singing a long to Total Eclipse of the Heart by Bonnie Tyler with a red checked top on holding his phone in the air at Trafalger Sq , even though theres hundreds of people around about him , he is the only one you can hear!!

He bugs me , hes like a little wasp when he comes on , you just want to hit him around the head and tell him to stop?? :ban:

This would have been better...

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
Ahhh fuck T-Mobile, I got Verizon Wireless and it comes with the network. :rolleyes::D

Albeit, I will say, I recently went on vacation with a bunch of T-Mobile users and my Verizon was the only one getting a signal just about everywhere, family back home had to keep calling me cuz the T-Mobile phones were not even ringing when somebody back home called. :eek::shock::uohs::confused::dunno:


Has still no-one seen this guy ?

He has a green t-shirt on underneath his shirt? :rolleyes:

Hes still on all the time , arsehole :crash: