Who are these two random girls?

Here's the first one:


Here's the second one:


Sorry for giving so many links of clips of the same scene but I just wanted to make sure anyone reading this could get a good enough glimpse of her to recognize her. Yes, I know the links are screwed up but if you just type in "x videos" (BUT AS ONE WORD) in where the chain of asterisks are you'll get there. (Dunno why there are faces in the three of them....) Lemme know if you're still not sure how to make the links work.

On a side note, old men should be banned from doing porn scenes. They're just gross. This one especially makes me want to beat the shit out of him. "Ahhhh.... Suck my balls, ahhhhh.... Now I can fuck you..." :mad: Nasty, crusty old fuck....

Anyway, would appreciate any help! :)
#1 link is broken
#1 link is broken

Yes, that's why you have to type "x videos" AS ONE WORD in it. It won't allow me to post the link, but "x videos" (one word) is what the asterisks are covering up. I can't even type "x videos" as one word in this post. Trust me, that's all that's missing from the link.