Which Porn Stars Would You Pick for For Which US Bill?


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
Inspired by the new 10 dollar bill news (thread here), I got to thinking, which naughty girls would I pick for each denomination pictured below.


Hmm... decisions decisions...

So, what do you guys think? Who would you pick for your own versions of:

  • $1
  • $2
  • $5
  • $10
  • $20
  • $50
  • $100

Sasha Grey might be pretty fucking hot on the hunskey. Or is she a $2 bill kinda girl? Lots to think about!


Do not approach, call 911
Which porn star should be on the new US $10

Apparently the U.S.A. is redesigning their $10 bill and will put a woman's face on it. Someone already started a semi-serious thread on that question but if you could put a porn star's face on it, who would it be and why?

I'll throw out Marilyn Chambers simply because she's my all-time favorite but also for her ground-breaking work in movies like Behind the Green Door.

Second choice would be Racquel Darrian because I dropped more loads to her in the 80s than anyone else, and also she's got some native-American blood in her.

For fun, I'd also nominate Traci Lords because of her can-do American spirit to get into porn at age 16 (or was it 15?) with a fake ID.
Re: Which porn star should be on the new US $10

There already is one. He wasn't called Alexander "Hambone" Hamilton for nothing.


For the EMPEROR!!
Re: Which porn star should be on the new US $10

Porno Dan.
Sasha Grey might be pretty fucking hot on the hunskey. Or is she a $2 bill kinda girl?

From where I sit, that's Mrs Burns' trillion dollar bill right there.

Oh, and tenuous though it is... here's a Rik and Ade quote when they were printing their own notes.

"Spudgun.... have twenty five grand. Hedgehog! Have a HUNDRED grand!! Richie....!"
"Have a fifteen pound note."

I'm more interested in the number on the bills than the picture, but perhaps I'd spend more time admiring the money with some pretty boobie pictures...

Does American dollar course increase relatively to strip club activities? I mean, like... Can you go to cafeteria, give the cashier $5 and say that this is worth $50, because this one has been in Lisa Ann's butt crack?

People already buy all kind of weird things like used panties, fart in a bag, so why not butt crack dollars too? This might even work if you are running out of money while paying. Pornstars could even give live proof themselves, before giving the money...

Let's ask from pornstars themselves, whose lips would you prefer to be printed in a dollar than end up being rubbed in your butt? (I wonder how many of these sick perverts are going to try and sniff their moneys after that...)