Which of the James Bond movies is your favorite?


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
Casino Royale with Craig. Added that Bourne-series intensity to what was becoming a tired franchise.

I liked Brosnan but the movies lacked something. Grew up on Moore. Like Connery, but don't get what others get from him in the role.


Expect Nothing and Appreciate Everything
Casino Royale
The Living Daylights
The Man With The Golden Gun
The Spy Who Loved Me
Live & Let Die
To top it off even though it's not a "movie"

The GoldenEye game was revolutionary. If it had a decent internet connection at the time it would have completely destroyed everything in my childhood that didn't involving playing the game itself.

Also Pierce was a good Bond but it was the last bond iirc that had a good wacky villain of sorts with Boris. Reminded me of Oddjob and Jaws without being as absurd. The later Bonds lack that.

Also Sean Bean, one of my favorite actors...have you see him in Game of Thrones? Everything he's in he's great and carries more than his weight in a scene. Even his smallish role in the Silent Hill movie was worth seeing.

Yes I have seen game of thrones and I love that show. Also I completely agree with what you are saying about the new bonds, the villains are lacking somehting.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Any of the movies with Sean Connery. The Brosnan movies are great too.