which is more hot?

option 1 and 2 for me
1. A girl that loves to watch herself in a mirror as she is getting f*cked ?
2. A girl that loves having sex on camera and then masturbates in front of you while watching the playback?

This one for me please.
Option 2 for sure.

Option 1 sounds great in theory but most women become very self aware around mirrors and will end up checking out their hair and whatnot if a mirror is nearby....they just can't help it. Not every woman can stay animalistic like a pro.
Option 2, you have an everlasting tape of said "doing it" plus when you play it she starts masturbating in front of you. Win Win.
option 2 only because girls look shit hot to you in the mirror but there still not happy with them selves ie slowing down the action time


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I suppose number one, if I had to pick one. I don't see the deal in either.
Definitely, #2!

Superb method in this digital age. Make 2 copies of playback and give one to her as a special present Valentines Day!
2. A girl that loves having sex on camera and then masturbates in front of you while watching the playback?:nanner: