Which Drink Are You?

Take the quiz:
WhAt dRiNk aRe yOu?

VODKA...oooh yaaa....you LOVE drinking and having a good time you know how to have fun n get down n diiirty
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

VODKA...oooh yaaa....you LOVE drinking and having a good time you know how to have fun n get down n diiirty

:hatsoff: Jackson
Your Results:
Apple Juice
RoCk a By BaBy...WhEn THe BoW bReAkS tHa CrAdLe wiLL faLL....oh man you are such a lil pussy....go finish wathing ur lifetime movie marathon

I really hate Apple juice to.
i'm a vodka as well

VODKA...oooh yaaa....you LOVE drinking and having a good time you know how to have fun n get down n diiirty
VODKA...oooh yaaa....you LOVE drinking and having a good time you know how to have fun n get down n diiirty


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
Milk. Ha ha ha.