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Where has masculinity gone?

Excellent thread !

The truth is I have advocated the Theory of Male Menopause for the last three years.

Men, no different than women, will undergo "Male Menopause" 1st phase around 45 year-old.

But men in their 50'd definitely undergo "Male Menopause".

I hate to discuss medical stuff in this Forum ! (Everyone attacks me and say I am faked !)

The highest risk of men and women committing suicide are actually white male around the age of 45 years old in America. Even though firearms are involved in 35-40% of those men who comitted suicide.Others involved OD, suicide and murder. There are many other factors involved, including divorce, separation, loss of spouse, FIRED ! (loss of job, house,etc), and a great unknown factor is sharp drop in testosterone level, whether descreasing level of testestone is related to depression or not still out !

But one of the major factor related to men committing suicide is depression (major depression) among men in their 40's and 50's .

I have given testosterone injection to men but I found it was just a temporary bandage approach to the problem.

Let's face it and accept the Theory of Male Menopause and accept men are decreasing their sperm counts, their volume of cum, and their desire for sex after 60's. I have done a lot of observation on men but keep exercise, eating right and have a healthy sex life will make you live longer and better. (5 to 6 hours of exercise a day is good for your health !)

Fuck the teststerone level, keep on rocking until you are 99 years old !
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I just checked Tunsty's testosterone level. It's zero ! :nanner: :rolleyes: :D :1orglaugh
hotrod11inches said:
I just checked Tunsty's testosterone level. It's zero ! :nanner: :rolleyes: :D :1orglaugh

LMAO you don't know when to quit amazing


It's good to be the king...
hotrod11inches said:
Excellent thread !

The truth is I have advocated the Theory of Male Menopause for the last three years.

Men, no different than women, will undergo "Male Menopause" 1st phase around 45 year-old.

But men in their 50'd definitely undergo "Male Menopause".

I hate to discuss medical stuff in this Forum ! (Everyone attacks me and say I am faked !)

The highest risk of men and women committing suicide are actually white male around the age of 45 years old in America. Even though firearms are involved in 35-40% of those men who comitted suicide.Others involved OD, suicide and murder. There are many other factors involved, including divorce, separation, loss of spouse, FIRED ! (loss of job, house,etc), and a great unknown factor is sharp drop in testosterone level, whether descreasing level of testestone is related to depression or not still out !

But one of the major factor related to men committing suicide is depression (major depression) among men in their 40's and 50's .

Too bad - I was going to ask:

1) when is the good "doctor" going to pick up his Nobel prize for medicine?
2) Now that he's banned, will this depress him? I hope not....think of all the babies still to be delivered, etc. :1orglaugh

[edit] Back to the original thread - we could be worrying needlessly. But I doubt it, considering the apparent money invested in male grooming. The following information is taken from http://www.cosmeticsdesign.com/productnews/news.asp?id=54264&k=men-the-new:

Examining the latest trends in male personal care use, market analysts Datamonitor forecast in a recent report that the European male grooming market will grow at an annual rate of four per cent over the next five years.

According to the report men in the UK spend each year £65 m on skincare products, £88 m on fragrances and £278m on hair grooming. Men aged between 20 and 40 spend an average of £111 a year on beauty products, which is only £27 less than women from the same age group.

Datamonitor describes the ‘metro-sexual’ as an urban male with a strong aesthetic sense who spends a great deal of time and money on his appearance and lifestyle.

There are fundamental changes in male attitudes driving this market, says the report. Men increasingly believe that their appearance is crucial to their success. About 89 per cent of men in Europe and the US consider that good grooming and general presentation is essential to their professional success.
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Well, it if what I heard is true just thinking about sex will raise the level of testosterone in your body. If that is the case, I think the people of freeones will have more than enough to make up for any deficiencies elsewhere.

I wouldn't worry. Most people produce more testosterone than they actually need. If I had to guess I would say it is a trend or cultural thing that will pass as they all do eventually. I know a lot more men that are manly than not anyway.

I also think it is possible to be confident and manly, and still be a gentleman all at the same time. Sometimes there is a fine line between confidence and arrogance, and I can understand where some people might be more a little more reserved to make sure they don't cross over into a brutish caveman stereotype.
Girls like gays. Girls like ot hang out with gays. Girls got shitloads of stuff incommon with gays....... Go Gay !!!

lol its a joke btw :D
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Closed Account
superfly2 said:
Interesting post BNF. Maybe testosterone levels are dropping because we no longer need them as much to survive. It's like adaptational extinction; whatever we don't need is dropped. It's kind of scary, but I don't think it will go much further.
I also notice how a lot of young guys dress kind of feminine, but that could just be fashion. It's constantly changing. Or maybe they're gay?

I heard in a news report that 50% of all men are getting plastic surgery now, where as in 50 years ago it was less than 2%.
Opatagio said:
Girls like gays. Girls like ot hang out with gays. Girls got shitloads of stuff incommon with gays....... Go Gay !!!

lol its a joke btw :D

Jokes aside, this is true, females have more in common (socially) with Gay men then with Hetrosexual Males.
One of my favorite movie quotes is from Fight Club

"We are a generation of men raised by women"

Divorce rates are high, leading young men to be raised primarily by their mothers, couple this with the poor nutrition in our food supply, additives in the water supply that maim and kill glands, mix in constant immasculating messages in our media, add a pinch of makeup and....


Youve got a metro sexual LOL! In order to control a society you must remove the men from the equation, and turning them into a Testosterone deficient lady boy seems to work well.

Just my two cents.
this is a very interesting topic...
I think men aren't only ones concerned by this change... women are but they don't know it.

Firstly I'd like to say that everything is in the balance. It's ok to spend more then 1 minute infront of the mirror, it's ok to take your time to choose a shirt-jeans/pants combination. Make-up i am not cool with... maybe some skin care things... but nothing visible. It's just me...i wouldn't feel comfortable if i had make up.

It's hard to be superficial about this. This discoussion is big one and it's hard to have using an internet message board.

Lately I think men have listened too much what girls/women want and doing exactly that. These days, too many times men let women decide what they want to do on dates and such things. The big irony of all this is that a woman is turned off by a guy who does everything she says. Too many men spend playing computer games (i am guilty of that) and have forgotten the games we used play with women... and by this i don't mean (only) the sexual games but the whole courting/wooing thing.

I think the Fight Club quote explains the situation very well.
saint said:
Everywhere I go (urban and suburbs ), I am noticing alot more "pretty boys". Not referring to homosexuals, but to these "men", especially Blacks and Latinos, who wear pink anything, get their nails done, and by done, I mean manicured and buffed with a light coat of clear applied. Pedicures, wearing their clothes so baggy, that it looks like they are wearing dresses, some haircuts, etc.

Yes i agree. :yesyes: What is the world comming to when so many MEN are spending more time prettying themselves up than the average woman. It's just so back-asswards. Makes me sick. :throwup:
i'm a rollerbooter and i see a lot of woodpushers who dress like girls. tight pants, long hair, tight shirts, etc. it's to a point where i cant tell if they are girls or not. seriously, NO HETEROSEXUAL MALE SHOULD WEAR THE COLOR PINK, EVER.

i'm willing to let the long hair thing slide, but that's about it. i will be handing out ass-whoopings to the next guy i see walking around wearing makeup or carrying a purse with matching shoes, or anyone wearing the color pink.

consider yourselves warned.
You should also remember that the Y-chromosome has been shrinking for a long, long time. The human Y-chromosome is significantly smaller than the X-chromosome and this is happening in virtually all mammals with one exception....the platypus. Everyone get ready for an invasion.....the platypi are taking over!!
BNF said:
It reminded me of an article I read (at a bodybuilding site) by a spots medicicinal doctor, about the contantly decreasing levels of testosterone in men around the world. Levels have been dropping measurably the entire century and there is no end in site.
It's my fault, I leech it all

When I combine that with the tendencies of young males (in Europe and the USA where I frequent) to act less masculine, to exercise less and to in general carry themselves more unisex, I pity the future. I am surrounded daily at work and the gym by pure testosterone. My levels are high, and by bring around other males with high levels, researchers have shown that the overall levels can increase. (Though the levels decrease on all other males who are not Alpha types!) In general, my comments about men can be extended to women, in the sense that they are becoming less feminine, more unisex.

U know what? It's a women fault.
For thousands of year the male was the stronger part of the family, the one who died first cause of the war or something similar, the "bad" part of the family: for a child or a young boy, the father was the "punisher", the mother was the little place where to go where he/she had any need. The female was the one who stayed at home, the one who helped the children to grow up, the one who just had to accept the first men and marry it else she would have been a bad woman, a woman without any future.
In this kind of stupid reality, there were 2 clear points: men got to be strong and the women got to be everything a man would need.
Now, somehow, the girls feels like they need a revenge and seems more masculine everyday some more, and the boys grow up with mothers that don't teach them how to be the "light" in the women's life.
That's why I say it's a women's fault: men just act soft because nobody teached them anything else.
I know this seems the typical old stupid way to think, but with my english knowledge I have truobles to explain my reason in a better way.

Anyway I'm not saying it's bad, it's just stupid when someone loses its role.
Tarantula said:
Yes i agree. :yesyes: What is the world comming to when so many MEN are spending more time prettying themselves up than the average woman. It's just so back-asswards. Makes me sick. :throwup:

It's called competition. Girls like elegant men, self confident men and so on?
They dress like they are the only good men around, or they find a courious way to dress just to have all the attention on them.
Wait a minute. Now that i think about it... think back to what the 1700's were like... men wearing those ugly white wigs and make-up and acting all fagged-up all the time. Now can anyone say that the trend these days is worse??? So maby this is just a phase. Maby in the 22nd sentury men will gain back their fundamental masculinity. :rolleyes: