Little Red Wagon Repairman
I never do and it seems to come out OK. Is it really worth the effort?
I nuke two at a time for ten minutes and then let them sit for half an hour, works out really good for the enchilada dinners.
I always screw up the enchiladas. They ended up busted and messed up like mashed, soggy enchiladas.
They never look like that.
I recall Lean cuisine also had that problem with their pasta as well. I'd say for the amount of effort it takes to give it a quick stir, it's worth it.
Dino: ugh..; yeah, I tried that BBQ Beef LC once - it was awful. Some items are definitely better than others.
I'm back at my full "COVID-19" for weight gain - so I'm dieting thru Memorial Day, likely.
Just imagine what it was like being Asian at the beginning of the pandemic and the reaction you'd get for simply sneezing.And regarding COVID - isn't it a pest you are afraid to even tell someone you feel like you got a little cold, because you KNOW they will instantly think: