finish the single player campaign first before you touch any multiplayer games,do you do alittle bit of both online and offline, or do you go straight to the multiplayer and get to the campaign whenever?
I usually try and get through as much of the single player as I can. If I have a lot of friends playing it, I'll get bombarded with invites, so I often end up in MP. But then I don't often buy games out right. Usually rent after the hype has died down so I can play at my own pace.
lately, when I buy a new game, it goes on the shelf until I feel like playing it...then I try to absorb as much of it as I can in one sitting, hoping it will entice me back sooner...
I always used to play single player totally through before touching online on total purpose. Lately,for some reason Im playing 1 hr of story and if its alittle boring I go to multiplayer and never go back. I got hooked on Killzone2,motorstorm2,resistance2 and redfaction online after I got pretty deep into infamous. Infamous is growing a mustache..........
I start on single player and eventually get over to multi-player. I want some practice and learn the controls before I go up against human competition.
It all depends on the game. Left 4 Dead - I played online the second I bought it. After a few weeks of online play I decided to play single player mode.