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When Is a "Czar" Not a Czar?

Here's a great little article about all the b.s. sloshing around regarding the Obama administration czars - this one goes out to jasonk and others who, per Beck and Hannity, have worked their panties into a twist over this fabricated controversy:



Ace Bandage

The one and only.
For fuck's sake, do you ever get tired of inundating the board with this political babble? I'm sorry, I just wish there were fewer threads like this and more arbitrary ones like "who's ass would taste better if covered in caramel?" Even CNN takes a break from agenda pushing every once in a while. You could just carry around a placard that reads "Obama Supporter" - then we could all see it and you wouldn't feel the need to trumpet your support all the time. Plus, all of us silly conservatives wouldn't feel the need to argue with you, because honestly, when are you ever really going to see the other side?
For fuck's sake, do you ever get tired of inundating the board with this political babble? I'm sorry, I just wish there were fewer threads like this and more arbitrary ones like "who's ass would taste better if covered in caramel?" Even CNN takes a break from agenda pushing every once in a while. You could just carry around a placard that reads "Obama Supporter" - then we could all see it and you wouldn't feel the need to trumpet your support all the time. Plus, all of us silly conservatives wouldn't feel the need to argue with you, because honestly, when are you ever really going to see the other side?

The question is does one need to be an Obama supporter to call GOPers on :bs:?

I say continue to inundate the board with what the creators of it wanted you to inundate it with...."whatever you want to talk about".


For fuck's sake, do you ever get tired of inundating the board with this political babble? I'm sorry, I just wish there were fewer threads like this and more arbitrary ones like "who's ass would taste better if covered in caramel?" Even CNN takes a break from agenda pushing every once in a while. You could just carry around a placard that reads "Obama Supporter" - then we could all see it and you wouldn't feel the need to trumpet your support all the time. Plus, all of us silly conservatives wouldn't feel the need to argue with you, because honestly, when are you ever really going to see the other side?

Whhooooa there Susan, sounds like YOU need a good healthy dose of LOL CATS.
Never realized CNN pushed any agenda?? Now, CNBC yes. Cramer!!

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
For fuck's sake, do you ever get tired of inundating the board with this political babble? I'm sorry, I just wish there were fewer threads like this and more arbitrary ones like "who's ass would taste better if covered in caramel?" Even CNN takes a break from agenda pushing every once in a while. You could just carry around a placard that reads "Obama Supporter" - then we could all see it and you wouldn't feel the need to trumpet your support all the time. Plus, all of us silly conservatives wouldn't feel the need to argue with you, because honestly, when are you ever really going to see the other side?

In fairness, no one's forcing you to read these posts. And when you do mistakenly click on them, perhaps expecting to enter into a discussion about confectionary-doused behinds, it's taking up maybe 5 seconds of your day? Don't slate someone just for having a different political slant to you, however blinkered they might seem to you.

Oh, and CNN is ridiculously conservative.
For fuck's sake, do you ever get tired of inundating the board with this political babble? I'm sorry, I just wish there were fewer threads like this and more arbitrary ones like "who's ass would taste better if covered in caramel?" Even CNN takes a break from agenda pushing every once in a while. You could just carry around a placard that reads "Obama Supporter" - then we could all see it and you wouldn't feel the need to trumpet your support all the time. Plus, all of us silly conservatives wouldn't feel the need to argue with you, because honestly, when are you ever really going to see the other side?

Which obviously begs the reply......................... For fucks sake do you ever get tired of reading them?

If only there was only some way to cure you of this reading disease, whereby you are compelled to soil your intellect with wishy washy liberalisms. It's like some sort of kinky sado masochistic fetish on a site dedicated to porn.......hang about...............Oh I feel such a fool to have not noticed. My bad. Carry on.


My Penis Is Dancing!
Bush was the first one to appoint a Czar, least us not forget. Remember the War Czar?
Meanwhile, the mere presence of Lou Dobbs puts CNN as far away from the left as about anyone.

Will E Worm

Andronicus Ry: This is Freeones Talk.

You know where we talk about things. ;) :tongue:
When it's a Tsar.

Maybe a bit besides the point, but according to wiktionary, both are valid ways to describe a Slavic emperor...

Anyway, it's just incorrect name calling.

A female Tsar/Tzar/Czar is called a Tsarina/Tzarina/Czarina, not a Czar (I know, nitpicking), Czars were in fact absolute rulers, so there couldn't have been 30 or 31 of them.

There have been only 2 at the same time in history. One such period was when both Serbia and Bulgaria had a Tsar and another time was when both Bulgaria and Russia had a ruler commonly known as a Czar, although that's technically incorrect, since the official title of the Russian ruler by then was Imperator (although the title Czar was still used by most people). In one case the Czar co-ruled the empire with his brother (Peter the Great's case), but I don't know if he also bore the title Czar.

Since Tsar means Emperor, it'd mean that Obama has surrounded himself with 30 or 31 (depending on who you ask, I guess) Emperors. A bit of a silly notion, if you ask me.


But what could the idea behind this be? Why would they call these people Czars? The most important Czars & Czarinas have been

1.) Ivan the Terrible, whom is said to have had fits of rage and is said to have killed his own son, not something I'd say any of the 30 or 31 'czars' has probably done. He also created the Oprichniki, which was Russia's first secret police, which can no longer be done today in the USA, since the CIA already exists and he made an Empire out of a small country that had a hard time defending itself. Not something to be ashamed of, I think.

2.) Peter the Great, whom is best known for modernising Russia. I honestly doubt the anyone could be against that...

3.) Catherine the Great, who re-vitalized Russia during/after which became recognized as one of the great powers of Europe because of that.

4.) Nicholas the II, who was deposed by the bolsheviks & later murdered by them. I really hope the GOP or Beck or Hannity or anyone else would want to do that. They'd have to change their entire ideology before they even could.

Anyway, what I've tried to make clear is that it's just a term used by certain people to make other people look bad, without knowing that instead of making the people they want to look bad actually look bad, they are in fact making fools of themselves.

Since US media in the 40's, 50's, 60's, etc., often did their best to make anything coming from Russia look bad (it's probably also true to say that the Russian media did exactly the same thing) and since these people or their parents were raised during these times it's only logical to assume they actually believe that anything that has ever come from Russia, even before the Russian revolution, is bad (this includes Czars).
Actually the term was first used by Nixon.

The term could have been coined by George Washington....but right now the whole controversy is just more trumped up bull in an attempt to create a negative perception in the minds of those who don't follow politics but vote.

It just a strategy to try and erode Obama's political momentum by continuously trumping up and trotting out one contrived controversy after another.

It's the oldest trick in the book..get a few loud mouths to complain about any and everything to create an illusion of chaos caused by the person you hope to muddy.