When I read things like this, it just makes my temple throb in agony.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.

I guess a murderer always finds a way to kill, when that's what they want to do.

Where there is enough will there will be a way. Worry about what's in a person's head before there is something in their hand. You could pre-empt a tragedy. People need to communicate and talk openly and candidly to each other. Share things. Have relationships. Socialize. Too many people are living in their own worlds with the only life that's real to them coming through a monitor becoming more feral and sometimes increasingly hostile toward fellow humans by the day. This may not be the case here but it is the case in too many other instances that have the same outcome.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Where there is enough will there will be a way. Worry about what's in a person's head before there is something in their hand. You could pre-empt a tragedy. People need to communicate and talk openly and candidly to each other. Share things. Have relationships. Socialize. Too many people are living in their own worlds with the only life that's real to them coming through a monitor becoming more feral and sometimes increasingly hostile toward fellow humans by the day. This may not be the case here but it is the case in too many other instances that have the same outcome.
You make sense when you say this.
You make sense when you say this.

I dealt with my share of kooks after Midnight. Never assume anything about anyone and be aware of your surroundings having 360 degrees of awareness. Don't be indecisive or get sloppy. In for a penny, in for a pound. Have an experience and knowledge about any potential fallout(whether criminal, civil, or health-related) tomorrow. Lastly and very important; never seek counsel about violent activity from anyone that's never participated in any. You don't see me with an ad offering to teach piano lessons, do you?


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
PSA: Beware of your surroundings while viewing Freeones

Kaufman said he hadn’t noticed the officer until he walked up to the driver’s side door and admitted he was masturbating while watching pornography on his phone. “Why would you do that here?” the officer asked according to the report. “I saw a guy on a bike pass by you. If I could see you, don’t you think other people could? Cars were passing by you in the lot.”

“I’m just really stressed out. I have a lot of things going on.”

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.

This is a major problem in a lot of cities. This so called bail and prison reform bullshit, is causing more people to get killed, or hurt. This piece of trash should have never seen the outside again. He took a life, with a gun, likely an illegally obtained gun. Instead of crying about all of the crime, and blaming guns for the problem, why aren't they keeping trash like this locked up forever, or better yet, swinging at the end of a rope.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
He certainly fucked up, but I find it unacceptable that they claim a racial component, but won't disclose what it is. I don't doubt there is one, I just think it's wrong they aren't laying it all out, but just expect everyone to trust their statement.
Whatever is causing this reaction in old white men it seems to be spreading:


And some times the homeowner does something really dumb:

The first one looks like it's clear they were all leaving when the potshots were taken. Even stand your ground laws shouldn't be able to protect you at that point.
Last I heard the guy in New York is already up on 2nd degree murder charges.
As he should be. He might have had an argument if he shot at this line of vehicles driving down his 1/8 mile driveway, but he lost any self-defense argument when he started shooting as they were leaving without making any aggressive actions. Even the lawyer is only saying "it's not simple", but offers no explanation.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
He very well might have something illegal growing, or distilling on his property, and pancaked. That's in no way an excuse, but it could be a reason.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I read he is 65 so maybe but more likely another antisocial character maybe like the first one scared of his shadow
I know more then one 65 year old that grows and smokes their own pot. Maybe he was afraid of his own shadow, but I doubt it. If he was, he probably would have emptied a whole gun into the car. I personally would like to see the facts, before I pass judgment, that is the way it's supposed to work in this country, but I guess anyone with a gun is now going to get a label. I can't wait to hear what you're going to call me, because I own a gun,
I know more then one 65 year old that grows and smokes their own pot. Maybe he was afraid of his own shadow, but I doubt it. If he was, he probably would have emptied a whole gun into the car. I personally would like to see the facts, before I pass judgment, that is the way it's supposed to work in this country, but I guess anyone with a gun is now going to get a label. I can't wait to hear what you're going to call me, because I own a gun,
I'm not gonna call you anything but Mr. Daystar.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.