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whats your scariest experience?


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Here's another one (anybody with a significant other will definitely "feel" this one)...

When I was still dating my ex, she went out with a few of her friends to somebody's birthday party. I didn't know who the birthday girl was, so I wasn't invited and ended up staying at home. Around 7PM that night, I get a call from a girl who definitely wasn't my girlfriend. It was one of her friends, sounding quite the nervous wreck. I asked her what was wrong and she said, and I'll never forget this...

"(My ex's name goes here) just got into an accident. She was driving on the highway, passed out and hit a wall. She's in the emergency room right now. You should come quick."

I was fucking freaking out. I thought my girlfriend was going to die and I didn't know what to do. I pictured the worst, you know? All sorts of broken bones, smashed up face, severe injuries, the whole works. I was scared to death and was trying soooo hard not to cry and freak out. So, I ran downstairs, grabbed my car keys, went outside and...no car. I forgot that my car was in the shop. Also, my parents weren't home so I couldn't use their car either.

I started calling my parents cell phones...no answer. I started calling all of my friends...no answer. I was fit to kill somebody at this moment. Then, thankfully, my parents pulled into the driveway. I was too much of a mess to be driving a car, so my dad drove me to the hospital.

When I got to the hospital, I ran up to the desk and asked where my girlfriend was. As the nurse (secretary?) was looking up the information, one of my girlfriend's friends called my name. I looked over and about 8 or 9 girls were sitting in the waiting room and my girlfriend's mom was there too. I ran over and everyone looked perfectly fine, like nothing had happened, so I was kind of confused. I'm still upset beyond all belief at this point. My heart had been racing ever since the phone call and I felt like throwing up. I thought my girlfriend was going to die, you know?

So, her mom takes a sip of her coffee and goes, "It's ok (Chef), she's fine"...:confused: Obviously, I'm a little confused. Her mom then says, "She got a migraine, started feeling a little dizzy, and as she was pulling her car off of the road, she scraped the median divider. They're just giving her some medication right now. She'll be out in a few minutes."

I'm like :wtf:

So, I turned to the friend that had called me. The one that said...

"She was driving on the highway, passed out and hit a wall. She's in the emergency room right now. You should come quick."

I was mad as hell. I yelled at her so hard..."How in the FUCK can you tell someone that their girlfriend PASSED OUT AND HIT A WALL and is IN THE EMERGENCY ROOM?!?!?! You said COME QUICK!!! I thought she was going to die you STUPID BITCH!!!"

So, time passed, my girlfriend came out and all was well. That was the single most scariest thing I've ever felt in my life. The feeling of believing that my loved one was in a life or death situation was something I wouldn't wish upon my worst of enemies. Thankfully, it was all just a false alarm and she was fine though.
It was tough typing it you know? But I actually belive with God's devine love and spirit deep within me, I will over come this terrible event.......

I'm just glad that you get to share the story with us. I just hope that I won't have the same experience. Just thinking about it gives me the chills....

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
Easy one to answer & this will be the scariest experience ANY man could face. About 3 years ago I found a lump in my ball. Turned out to be nothing serious but I’ve never known fear like it!!

Damn I must have really badluck or really goodluck depending upon how all my scariest moments have played out..

I also had the exact same experience.. My mother was working as a receptionest / nurses aid @ a urologist @ the time this happened, when I discovered my lump I was in the doctors office where she worked being examined within an hour of finding that horror..

it turned out to be nothing.. ::SIGHS IN RELIEF:: and has since vanished as quickly as it appeared! :eek:

I get a call from a girl who definitely wasn't my girlfriend. It was one of her friends, sounding quite the nervous wreck. I asked her what was wrong and she said, and I'll never forget this...

"(My ex's name goes here) just got into an accident. She was driving on the highway, passed out and hit a wall. She's in the emergency room right now. You should come quick."

I was fucking freaking out. I thought my girlfriend was going to die and I didn't know what to do. I was scared to death and was trying soooo hard not to cry and freak out. I thought she was going to die you STUPID BITCH!!!" I wouldn't wish upon my worst of enemies. Thankfully, it was all just a false alarm and she was fine though.

I am glad everything turned out too be OK.. sure you were pissed with that girl but she was prolly in shock as well!! the moral of the story is everything turned out a whole lot better than you were expecting / anticipating!


I had a special friend, a really GoodGirlfriend (like my bestfriend) and she lived in a REAL BAD hood, well she said I was welcome too stop by her house whenever I was in the area without calling 1st, well I happen too be in her hood one day and pulled up too her house and she had some dude over.

I was clearly not welcome, cuz the guy that was over was being a total asswipe. so she was upset with him! so I told her I was gonna leave, so I left, and I called her house like 4 days later and was told, the guy that was over her house that day, shot her in the back cuz he was mad cuz I came over.

I was able too talk too her in the hospital via the phone, and she told me it was a superficial wound with no serious or permanent damage, soon after that phone call I lost total contact with my DEAR FRIEND. :weeping:

I finally found and was able to contact and talk too (MY GIRLS) friend, soon after I couldn't get in touch / contact with (MY GIRL) too make matters even worse (MY HOME phone and CELL phone #'s got changed within 2 weeks of each other) I thought (MY GIRL, WAS UPSET WIT ME CUZ I dropped by her house and she got SHOT) her friend reassured me that (MY GIRL) said SHE WASN'T mad @ me and that she loved me and missed me, but the info her friend gave me was already old and we haven't spoken ever since! I am very fucked up emotionally about it!! :scream:

If there was anyway in this world I could find and talk too MY GIRL again I would.. I don't have any money too hire a PI and I can't afford too pay for one of those online searches. NEEDLESS to say I have been MISERABLE ever since I lost contact with my dear friend. :cry: :helpme:
Marlo where did you ever get the idea that gunplay is ok ?

You were almost killed because some dumbass friend of yours was bangin someone elses lady or ex lady ?

Might wanna find some new friends or move

Just a suggestion
Being in a strip club in Amsterdam, aged 18. This big black mama had an act that involved getting someone to eat a banana out of her pussy. She came into the audience to pick her next victim and walked straight towards me!

She kept coming, I thought "act casual" but then thought "no, she'll notice you, so act like you want to go on stage in front of 75 people" I didn't know what to do or how best to act. My heart was beating soooo hard...

Just as she got to me, I thought "this is it, this is the most terrified I've ever been" but she reached over me and grabbed the poor man sat behind me, dragged him up and buried his head in her banana flavoured pussy.


Thats a crazy story man.

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
Marlo where did you ever get the idea that gunplay is ok ?

You were almost killed because some dumbass friend of yours was bangin someone elses lady or ex lady ?

Might wanna find some new friends or move

Just a suggestion

Thanx for your suggestion, infact I moved years ago. All that stuff is ancient history. all that drama took place in the 90's!! :thumbsup:

I am STILL fond of guns! but I am no where near all the :bs: that goes down where and when guns are in play! :anonymous I learned my lesson a long time ago! :hatsoff:
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Postal Paranoiac
When I was fifteen and an older girl I was humping told me she was pregnant. I flipped. Then I found out the baby was another guy's. What a relief. The hoe. :rolleyes: