Oh god, I hate ignorance...
Most metal? What have you heard? Noisy/screaming crap like Slipknot and Cannibal Corpses? The shitty Metal bands on MTV? and you are dumb enough to believe all these freaking dumb as fuck stereotpes that says that Metal is only noise and screaming and that the lyrics are satanist or whatever? You surely are really mature and open minded...
Noise? These days, there's probably nothing more melodic and epic than some Metal bands and lyrics-wise there's nothing more intelligent than some Metal bands, but I guess you base your opinion on the crap noisy/wannabe satanic bands you hear on TV. Its just as stupid as those who think every Rap bands are like 50 Cent lyric-wise... (Not a rap fan, tough)
Screaming?:rofl: That's the proof you don't even know what you are talking about! Some Metal singers are among the most talented singers ever range-wise and power-wise.
Staind...Metal?:rofl: Another proof that you don't even know what you are talking about!
Your post is the definition of the dumb stereotypes about Metal music.