What's your choice for downloading music?


Prince of the Rotten Milk

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.

Me too. I don't download that much music anyway. And saving $.99 isn't exactly going to change my life. So to me, it's not worth the hassle to get a five finger discount. :dunno:



It's legal, there are millions of tracks, and there is no download time.

You have to listen to adverts, but only one every 10 songs or so. Which is less than the radio!
Straight up man. I just got the most recent the most recent Doughtry album. Some heavy stuff man. Check it out.


Is it good for finding rare, hard to find, obscure music?


But that is the rule. If you can't find it to buy(either on itunes, or in a shop), then illegal downloading is fine.
Spleen said:
If you can't find it to buy(either on itunes, or in a shop), then illegal downloading is fine.

Downloading is legal in the Netherlands. The government announced no too long ago it will remain legal as long as the entertainment industry doesn't offer a fair alternative. Fair in this case meaning easy to access and offering products for reasonable prices people are willing to pay.
Most of my online music comes from Amazon. iTunes music store is ridiculous with its proprietary formats, and Amazon is cheaper to get the higher quality songs. (I know I'm out of place for saying I buy most of my music, but I respect people who don't :D)