whats the age of consent in usa?

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yes the age of consent changes from country to country aswell as state to state in the states. the age of consent, dosent that refer to the age in whice a person can have sex.... granted regardless in the states and canada if ur 18 dating a 17-14 year old its completly illegal technicaly. but its legal for a 14-17 year old in canada to have sex. to pose nude and be in porn its 18 in canada and us. overseas im not sure. what that is. so in the states and canada its illegal to view anything thats under that age. sex is one thing my views vary. im not gonna get into them. but what the chick did in her own country is legal. and by that fact its fine then, if your contry dosent condon or believe in that. then dont go there. or go to that country and try to change it. technicaly the states and canda should look at the underage pics. but seems as shes of age now. cause i saw a part that mentioned that. the sites fine.


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At 16 girls should be going on dates learning about life from people their own age, not getting posted on the net and printed in papers for the world to see.
We have these laws for numerous reasons but the most important one is so we can lock up scum who get off preying on young girls who they know are under the age.

Im not a father but if i was and some tw@ exploited her at 16 i'd make a purse outa his nut sack;)

:2 cents:

I agree with you..tried to give you rep points ..dont know how..
Oh, dear. Where do people find these threads?!? Anyway, since it wasn't closed back when it should've, it's getting closed now.

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