whats the age of consent in usa?

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Damn! We have to wait till they are 18.

Wow i cant believe her site is free, how cool is that?
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Take a Hit, Spunker!
Pretty hot for a 16 year old. This may sound wrong but I'd fuck her in a heartbeat....if i was in Wales!!! Can't afford that chance here in the States.
If i were her fater i'd beat the shit out of who ever took thoughs pics or who ever talked her into taking them. That shit is just wrong, she's a child.

Damn this bitch would get my ass locked up, cause if i saw that at the club. i'd be all over it.
adezero said:
it isn't 18 nationwide, it varies state by state.

check out www.ageofconsent.com

sorry buddy but your not even close. its 18 everywhere i dont know where that site got its info. i live in georgia and its 18 just like everywhere else but it says its 16 here. bullshit.


gqman, you'd be beating the shit out of professional photographers cos she's a page 3 girl in the newspapers over here. same thing linzi dawn mackenzie did. the paper she was in had a count down to her 16 birthday and lo, on the day of her birthday it was baps out.
One thing I've learned to always keep in mind is that laws are created by men who are no less fallible than the rest of us, may or may not have their own prejudices, etc., etc., .... in other words their not handed down by God, and should be open to our scrutiny. I'm not saying that one should break the law, merely that one shouldn't blindly agree with it as if it were the Gospel truth (hope that does not come off as soapbox ranting :) ).

Personally, I think 16 is a bit young to be posing, (chalk it up to assimilation...lol!), but I don't disrespect the laws of the UK, or any other country for that matter.

Then again, girls are maturing physically faster than ever before, and anyone in the US who says he's never seen a 16-year-old that made him take a 2nd look is lying, lol! :)


i've been looking at cherry dee's webstite for quite a while now, but was a bit ashamed to admit it cos she was only 16, she is one hot babe. I got off with a girl on new years eve who told me she was 20 then at then end of the night admitted she was 16. These young girls look so innocent.
Age of consent in the U.S. is 18. But let me clarify that in Alaska the age of consent is 16. I found that out when I went to Alaska for a couple months. It was the best news I ever got there, ha ha. Later Dudes


Basically in the USA its between 16-18, but always good to know depneding on the state you live in.

17 in Texas BTW

You notice on that chart that in Asia and most of Euope (Russian countries especially) the age age of cnsent is 13 or 14. Don't kow if thats sick or if thats hot.
At 16 girls should be going on dates learning about life from people their own age, not getting posted on the net and printed in papers for the world to see.
We have these laws for numerous reasons but the most important one is so we can lock up scum who get off preying on young girls who they know are under the age.

Im not a father but if i was and some tw@ exploited her at 16 i'd make a purse outa his nut sack;)

:2 cents:
alright, this is just my opinion, but 16 year olds can already be in the olympics, let alone being posted on the internet. i'm definitely not saying the younger the better, but i think that by 16, they can make up their own minds. the second someone says they're too young to do something is the second that they give up on it, and women do make careers out of modeling. if russia is 13 or 14, as someone said earlier, i'd say that kinda "skewed", but i think that a 16 year old can make his/her own decisions, and doesn't need mommy to still show them what's right and what's wrong.


Closed Account
yeah, i'm sure that site is real cuz i remember living in NC and finding out the age was 16 and thought it unusual after living in TN where it's 18...as both are stated on the chart.
the link still works, but you have to take off everything past co.uk/


are you talking to me?
i don't care about her age...
if her parents haven't problem to expose their daughter like
this in sexy shoots (call me $$$ !!!), then the only i can say is
that she is a fine ...
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