What's everyone favorite comic book movie?

My top three would have to be Batman Begins, Superman The Movie, and Spider-Man. The only ones I hated were Blade Trinity, Hellboy, and Constantine. ( I have not seen Catwoman and I refuse to watch it.) If you havn't seen DD director's cut then you should, it's more enjoyable than the theatrical version. I thought FF was pretty weak but it was still watchable. I'm definately looking forward to Ghost Rider, X-Men 3, and Superman Returns next year.
Fantastic Four, Spider-Man, X-Men, and Batman. The new Superman that is soon to be out looks awesome too.
Batman Begins and XMen 2.
Spidey 2, Xmen 1, Sin City, Hulk, Blade, Crow & Conan, Superman 1-3, Batman the Movie (1960's) also rock
Daredevil sucks big time! I'd put it in the same league as the original Punisher with Dolph 'wooden' Lundgren ("I still speak to God sometimes" - I'll make you talk to God you cheesey prick!) and the made for TV Justice league.
Fantastic 4 were my favorites and the movie is great too...:hatsoff:
Ok im going out on a limb and am prepared for the flaming but my favorite comic book movie is....Daredevil.....ive read alot of comics over the years and while i dont really read them much anymore, i do know that Daredevil was very true to its source. The casting was pretty much dead on...say what you will about Ben Affleck, i think he did a good job as Matt Murdock. They took a few liberties, but i had no problems with the changes they made. The only thing i thought they could have done better was Kingpin, the casting Of Michael Clarke Duncan was great, but he just didnt seem to have all that much to do except order Bullseye around (wonderfully played by Colin Ferrall who obviously had a ball with the part).


knows petras secret: she farted.
i know i liked the way the spider man movies came out to my surprise. but maybe im baised because ive got a huge boner for kirsten.

the original batman is one of the best movies ever. micheal keaton is the only batman for me and jack nicholson? forget about it!

sin city was pretty good. x-men 3 was decent. im sick of happy endings, good for them.

Stallone ruined this for anyone who knows anything about the comic book.

I've been reading JudgeDredd the comic book for 25 years or so, from when I was introduced to 2000AD comic book. That is where Dredd was born and really made his name.

One of the main problems for a start is Dredd never takes his helmet off. In the film Sly never has it on! He even changed the style of Dredd's catchphrase of "I am the law" when Sly said it I burst out laughing. Another problem with Sly was the height factor, Dredd is over 6 ft tall, we all know Sly isn't.


knows petras secret: she farted.
Another problem with Sly was the height factor, Dredd is over 6 ft tall, we all know Sly isn't.

haha, what you say is true about dredd. i also laughed when he said "i am the law!" still do. they height factor, thats always manipulated. have you ever seen clifford? the guy played a child. but then again, martin short isnt a tall man to begin with.