what your facial hair says about you

Found this, thought it was amusing

Now I don't know whether to shave or just let it all grow since right now I got a beard like the guy in the first picture.

What You Think It Says About You: I have written, or am currently writing three to four novels and or screenplays. I think deeply about things, and sometimes I'll just sit and read, because I like reading. Yeah, that's something I do. Is your unkempt hipster vagina moist yet? Plus, despite what my emo-swoop haircut may suggest, I'm comfortable with my masculinity.

What It Really Says About You: a)I never got laid in high school, and used to get the shit kicked out of me, then suddenly realized that if I grew a beard, it hid my nerdy face, b)I've gotten so much poontang in my life that I'm literally TIRED of banging chicks. Now in an effort to see how ridiculous I can make myself and still get laid, I'm growing this. or c)Don't open a package I might send to you, and stay the F off my lawn.

Good For: Lumberjacks, the Unemployed/Homeless, Pyschos, Hipsters

Sentence Heard From This Person: "You should listen to this NPR podcast I downloaded."
"I've gotten so much poontang in my life that I'm literally TIRED of banging chicks." but chicks still love me with the beard.
also, why know mustache?
Glad I don't have a chin strap!!!

What It Really Says About You: The name's Bag. Douche Bag.
Full beard for me...

(I've always wanted to yell this)


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I like to grow the Ambrose Burnside beard myself...and no I have no pic of him go google, because I am that guy this week.