Hmm..this doesn't really bode well for President Dumbass's vision of us spending our way out of the recession...
Tax rebates helping fans fund Kentucky Derby visit
Many are using their government payouts to make the trip, or at least pay for their wagers.
From the Associated Press
2:58 PM PDT, May 3, 2008
LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Skip Koepnick knows where his tax rebate is going -- to a weekend of fun at Churchill Downs.
Koepnick attended his 32nd straight Kentucky Derby today, making the annual trip from Grand Rapids, Mich., with his girlfriend. He estimated they'll spend about $500 on gas, lodging, tickets, wagers, food and drinks, all in the name of the Run for the Roses.
He said his economic stimulus check from the government was spent even before he received it. But he said it was worth every penny, calling the Derby a must-see event that's "a piece of Americana."
"We're going to stimulize the Derby," he said.

The payments, which are expected to reach 130 million households, range up to $600 for individuals and $1,200 for married couples, plus $300 per child for eligible parents.
Others were also putting their stimulus checks to work at the Churchill Downs betting windows.


For the rest of this depressing on the link
Sigh...stimulus or ruination?