My first car was a 85 Plymouth Reliant. It had trouble going up hills. I drove it pretty hard to and fro until I blew the head gasket. I never got in any wrecks with that car. In fact my first accident was just this year, someone tried to merge into me.
Of course ! One of the infamous Lee Iaccoca "K" - Car econo- boxes . . . correct ?
Amazing how disposable those cars were. IIRC - Insurance adjusters were quick to
total out such "K" cars, appraising damage that would otherwise be very much repairable on other vehicles. I don't think that many were actually rollin' say, 10 years after production . . . they all just sorta
Not chiding you '44 . . . by no means . . . just a reflection

Mine was a '76 Honda Accord - The 1st year, actually ! A silver hatchback.
A hand me down from th' folks. I cannot tell you how many nights myself and two - three others would
pile in and head up to the dam at night and
do refer under the stars . . .
on a school night yet !
I also cannot tell you how many times I almost crashed . . . until I finally
did, into a movin' Ford - 250 longbed 4 x 4, almost a head on (at an angle into the trucks front left rubber). :o
My pal was riding shotgun, he was a little bloody in the forehead, other than that, he was fine.
What really sucked was that after the crash, the flippin horn did what they do best ! :o It took me a minute to gather myself as I had to exit said vehicle from the passenger side . . . and re enter to make way to the fuse panel. . . . .
Horn Off !
That was the longest foot draggin' 1/2 mile walk home in my life. An unimaginably sobering revelation for mom & pop.
That dark circle (engine oil) remained on the asphalt . . . . seemingly forever.
Funny how we all made it out of high school in one piece ! . . . . well, most of us !