What Was Your First Car ? Did You Wreck It ? :Razz:


Is somewhere outhere.
My 1st car was a Ford Fiesta.Sold it for a Citroen Saxo and wrecked it completly.But it was a shit car anyway ;)
My first car was a white 1982 Chevy Citation. I called it "Freddy Kreuger", because no matter how many times something happened to it, and I would be like "well, that's that!"-- the damn thing would come back from the dead to live and drive again! Eventually, I just sold it for parts- never was in an accident with it.

1971 Datsun 510 Wagon, tore the roof off running into the back of a flat-bed truck......."DUCK"!!! :eek:
"Thank-You Lord" :bowdown:
A used 1982 Datsun B210 hatchback. The car had a tragic end. I was delivering Pizza for Dominos in the 30 minute or free era.

I had a pizza warmer in the back with a can of sterno with two peporoni pizzas inside. I started off on my delivery. Speeding across an empty parking lot that was about a mile long. Probably doing 35+ MPH.

It was kinda rainy outside. The humidity from the rain and the steam from the warmer fogged up my windows pretty fast. Turned on the defroster with fan on hi. Found out the fan didn't work. The windows were all fogged up. So, I rolled down my windows and about that time -- I saw a parking lot light pole ----I hit the brakes ----did I mention the tires were kinda slick -----I started to slide---- and then CRASH!

I hit the light pole straight on. Amazing I wasn't injured. I got out looked at my car wrapped around the light pole. Tried to figure out what had happened. I grabbed the pizza warmer with the two pizzas inside and walked back to the store. I told the manager that I had just crashed into a light pole. He asked if I was ok. Then he asked can you call your dad and borrow his car and deliver the pizzas. I opened up the pizza warmer and showed him the pizzas that had slid in the box and were ruined (but I'm sure still quite tasty). I said "I quit" True Story....
First car was a VW Golf GTI

Didnt crash it, I cherished it but decided I needed a turbo'd car. :D

I was 18 when I owned the GTI.
1984 Chevy Cavalier. We called it Road Pizza because of all the critters left on back country roads. I could never keep the passenger side door undented. I replaced it once and within 6 months I got into some slush and put her into a swamp on the side of the road and took out a small tree. The front bumper was bent and it kind of looked like the car was snarling at you. By the time I got rid of it at about 95,000 mi. it was more of a grimace.
My first car was a Ford Tempo. I think it was almost as old as I was. I never wrecked it but I keep driving it for all it was worth, even past the cars 20-year-old mark. I just couldn't afford anything else. All things considered I guess I couldn't complain too much, even if it broke down all the time. I had a love/hate relationship with it.
Well, considering that I've lent money to people to buy cars, making me co-owner until I was paid back...

Anyhoo, having finally gotten my license in the past year (lazy me), I occasionally get to use an early 90s Ford Taurus.

Haven't wrecked it yet!!!!!!! :glugglug:
Got close to writing off the first car I ever owned a couple of times, speed humps nearly killed us. It was a Holden Commodore, Sort of like the Pontiac GTO i think its called ( Holden or Vauxhall Monaro thats been re-badged for the U.S. market). It was later written off by the guy i sold it to.

I have a photo somewhere i think or is that going too far??
My first car was a 85 Plymouth Reliant. It had trouble going up hills. I drove it pretty hard to and fro until I blew the head gasket. I never got in any wrecks with that car. In fact my first accident was just this year, someone tried to merge into me.


My first car was a 85 Plymouth Reliant. It had trouble going up hills. I drove it pretty hard to and fro until I blew the head gasket. I never got in any wrecks with that car. In fact my first accident was just this year, someone tried to merge into me.

Of course ! One of the infamous Lee Iaccoca "K" - Car econo- boxes . . . correct ? :D

Amazing how disposable those cars were. IIRC - Insurance adjusters were quick to total out such "K" cars, appraising damage that would otherwise be very much repairable on other vehicles. I don't think that many were actually rollin' say, 10 years after production . . . they all just sorta disappeared
Not chiding you '44 . . . by no means . . . just a reflection :D

Mine was a '76 Honda Accord - The 1st year, actually ! A silver hatchback.

A hand me down from th' folks. I cannot tell you how many nights myself and two - three others would pile in and head up to the dam at night and do refer under the stars . . . on a school night yet !
I also cannot tell you how many times I almost crashed . . . until I finally did, into a movin' Ford - 250 longbed 4 x 4, almost a head on (at an angle into the trucks front left rubber). :o
My pal was riding shotgun, he was a little bloody in the forehead, other than that, he was fine.
What really sucked was that after the crash, the flippin horn did what they do best ! :o It took me a minute to gather myself as I had to exit said vehicle from the passenger side . . . and re enter to make way to the fuse panel. . . . . Horn Off !

That was the longest foot draggin' 1/2 mile walk home in my life. An unimaginably sobering revelation for mom & pop.

That dark circle (engine oil) remained on the asphalt . . . . seemingly forever.

Funny how we all made it out of high school in one piece ! . . . . well, most of us ! :D


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Staff member
86 Chevy Cav. Got it from my aunt with 6,900 miles on it. And that was in 2005. She never drove it nor gave it ANY preventative maintenance. Needed a complete system flush to get it working worth a damn.

Anyway, I didnt crash it at all.. but I took it for a quick ride from Indianapolis, IN to Boca Raton, FL and gave it about.. ohhh.. 3 days worth of beating. Shouldve changed the oil. Shouldve been refilling the tranny fluid constantly.

In the end.. the tranny was completely shot by the time I started my drive back from Florida.. but it managed to make it a thousand miles back home. After that, I was afraid of driving it down the street lest it die and I have to pay the towing bill.. or face the wrath of angry Rush-Hour drivers for holding up the works.

Dont have it any more. Hmph.
an 84' volkswagen golf. Didn't wreck it.