Also, resist the urge to make the joke "Wow, you look different with your clothes on!" not because it's insulting or not witty, sometimes I feel myself saying it when I'm perving on a girl, but because they've heard it 100x that day probably.. esp if it's at a convention like AEE. Trust me
well, isnt this the same story with like everyday living.
when you go to the store, its the same bullshit. how are you how are you. you're supposed to say fine, even when shit fucking sucks that day.
and usually, they has good before you even finish saying fine.
whatever you do, wherever you go, we all hear the same shit every day. for you, for me, for everyone.
you know what really pisses me off? the "see you next year" jokes around new years. har har fucking har. it wasnt funny when i was in elementary school and it aint funny now.
and you know you're all guilty for doing it this past new years too, arent you? yeah. you did it.
next time the cashier asks you how you're doing, be honest. ill tell em straight up, shitty, my back hurts, i feel nauseous, the bank stole my money, or im depressed. watch how bad you throw em off their game.