There is a problem with that. To do something like that effectively they would have to make healthy choices cheaper. The way it is now most of the cheap processed stuff is a lot cheaper than healthy choices, often dramatically so, which is why people, especially poor people, still buy stuff like that. What they could do is to make unhealthy choices cost more to subsidize the healthy food, but then they wouldn't have the money for anything else. It's just easier to not tax food if they can‘t keep the money from it from making other food cheaper. It's too unfair to the people that can least afford it.
I agree that the prices for whole foods is higher. On average I probably spend about 30 euro more for it than if I filled my cart with crap. However, I don't buy that all healthy choices are more expensive. Sure, I choose to use exotic grains and reduced fat options but I don't need to:
- 6 apples of a more expensive variety cost me the exact same as a pack of Oreos would.
- A pack of pasta and a can of pasta sauce w/o added oil or sugar cost me the same price as a big mac and I can feed my current household of 3 off of it. Can't do that with 1 big mac. Add in some ground meat and veggies and that's the same cost of a value meal. Chances are I'll have stuff left over for lunches...can't do that with a fast food meal. Oh, and if you spend a little bit more to get the whole wheat pasta, you can make less since it gets you fuller faster and stays with you longer.
- The water out of my tap is free. However, soda and juices are added costs ontop of my water bill. If I want flavor I can easily add some lemon juice which costs me 70 cents for a bottle. I also make my own iced tea that costs me about $3 a month for tea bags.
- If I shop at the farmers markets where local produce is being sold, I can get in season fruits and veggies for half of the grocery store cost. If I buy in the store and choose the whole veggie vs. the convenience of pre-cut veggies I can save about half the cost.
- If I save veggie peels and cuttings I don't use, I can make stock from it. Not only is this stretching my money farther for the produce I bought but damn home made stock is better!
- Buy a whole chicken and bake/roast it. This costs about 6-7 dollars and I can feed 3 people dinner off it, still have meat left over for sandwiches at lunch the next day AND I can make some really tasty chicken stock. All this for the price of a value meal which lasts only 1 meal.
- Oatmeal for breakfast vs. high priced branded cereals. 1 box of oatmeal at about 55 cents lasts me almost a month and having this for breakfast with some fat free milk will keep you full for a while. This is cheaper than a breakfast value meal by far.
The list goes on. But as I said before, what it really comes down to is being lazy over the actual cost of things. And I stand by my statement before. Nobody NEEDs cookies, cakes, or tv dinners (have you looked at the sodium in those things!?) and half the time they're not cheaper. People just need to start learning how to cook for themselves again vs. convenience foods.