What the heck is my status message all about? I think I should give it a meaning.

If you're going to use Latin may I recommend "Romanes eunt domus"

I wanted to change mine but apparently I'm stuck with what I have. I even dared Anders to change it to whatever he wants, but he's a big chicken.... :chickendance:

See, didn't I tell you Bri, that I'm too close to you? LOL!!! Love ya, Bri!!

Mine is in English. Get on my level, bro.

Not a chance, dirk. You just bring that Queen thing into everything.My life has just started, and your suggestions lead to erectile dysfunction.

It changes for every 500th or 1000th posts, I think, and more often if you have less posts.

I hangout occasionally over here so that might be the reason.Not even 2k posts and its gonna be 2 years in October since i joined.May be that's it.