I have been wondering for a while now if its possible to start a thread on this board that simply takes a "yay" or "nay" style approach to controversial issues, with respondents leaving their "this is whys," and "you're wrong becauses," etc. out of the discussion.
I am of the opinion that it will be impossible to have a thread in which people are asked their stance (yay or nay) on controversial issues without succumbing to the temptation to interject their reasons why, their own personal opinions, or fighting with one another.
Having said that, let's give it a shot. Can we, as a group of board members, simply give a "for" or "against" response with reagrds to the following issues without going into any detail, or fighting with one another? It seems simple enough in theory, but let's see...
Are you "for" or "against" the following:
Homosexual marriage
Gays in the military
Death penalty
Socialized healthcare
Higher taxes for the wealthy
Arizona's new immigration policy
Fake boobs
"Ask me anything" threads
(The last two, while still apparently controversial, are just to lighten things up a bit)
I'll start:
Abortion - against
Homosexual marriage - against
Gays in the military - for
Death penalty - for
Socialized healthcare - against
Higher taxes for the wealthy - against
Arizona's new immigration policy - for
Fake boobs - against
Ask me anything threads - against
I am of the opinion that it will be impossible to have a thread in which people are asked their stance (yay or nay) on controversial issues without succumbing to the temptation to interject their reasons why, their own personal opinions, or fighting with one another.
Having said that, let's give it a shot. Can we, as a group of board members, simply give a "for" or "against" response with reagrds to the following issues without going into any detail, or fighting with one another? It seems simple enough in theory, but let's see...
Are you "for" or "against" the following:
Homosexual marriage
Gays in the military
Death penalty
Socialized healthcare
Higher taxes for the wealthy
Arizona's new immigration policy
Fake boobs
"Ask me anything" threads
(The last two, while still apparently controversial, are just to lighten things up a bit)
I'll start:
Abortion - against
Homosexual marriage - against
Gays in the military - for
Death penalty - for
Socialized healthcare - against
Higher taxes for the wealthy - against
Arizona's new immigration policy - for
Fake boobs - against
Ask me anything threads - against