One of the major problems we were having with OCSMs was fan interaction. Users would either A) not interact with the models, or B) troll the model.
We work really hard getting them on here, and even with trends from message boards shifting to things more instant like discord, still, users would clam up and the models would be wondering, why is no one saying anything.
If you do have suggestions on how to improve that, feel free to drop your ideas. Ultimately, it's coming down to you guys with treating the girls right.
Keep in mind I'm no expert at the OCSM section, these are just personal suggestions that I feel would improve the experience.
1) In terms of trolling, you need to protect your greatest assets. Increased vigilance in moderating the section. Increased consequences/zero tolerance. If you troll/insult/creep or otherwise do anything that would discourage an OCSM to come to FO = insta-ban. I obviously wouldn't want to discourage discussion/interaction, but I think the mods are capable enough of distinguishing acceptable conversation vs comments which make them feel uncomfortable. You could give warnings if it's a legit grey area. I think (would hope) this part is common sense. If not, make clear guidelines on what constitutes trolling/creeping etc, maybe even encourage the OCSM to post their own TOU of what they consider appropriate.
2) There should be incentive for OCSMs to be active - we as users should see which ones are coming to the site and interacting with fans. This might be a tech issue, but I would like to see:
-Something to distinguish when the OCSM posts in their official thread. Maybe a different highlight color, or maybe only bump threads when they post. We could have 2 threads - one which operates as normal and would be a general discussion thread for the model, and one which focuses on direct interaction with them (maybe call it the "fanclub" thread?), which only gets bumped when the OCSM makes a post.
-stats on their Profiles showing the degree they use the site. Not just a "last visit" date, but maybe badges which indicate that they are particularly active? Like Gold/silver/etc based on how often they visit or post frequency.
-Definite boost to babe rankings to those who frequent the site.
I know some (many?) of these may the difficult to implement, but the point being, we want to spotlight when the actual OCSM takes the time to interact with FO and her fans here, and reward them accordingly.
3) I feel the "clamming up" can be either a sign of respect or just shyness on the part of the users. For many of us, these are legit celebrities, and there's an inherent awkwardness when posting comments you know will be seen by them. But when the OCSM posts frequently and invites interaction, I feel that will break the ice and once that ball gets rolling, the fan interaction will organically follow.
4) Don't make the OCSM a sub-board. It should be front & center.
I still feel starstruck when an OCSM responds to a comment. It certainly raises my impression of them and entices me to get more of their work, and I think that would apply to many fans. So prominence of this section is a win-win for everyone.
Hope that's a start... sorry if that was long.