Blow all of those towel heads off the map!
If I was President I'd let the Iranian people know that if they ever decided to revolt and overthrow the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran that we'd send them weapons and supplies. That's it though,none of our own men would go. It would be up to the Iranians to start the rebellion.
Roughneck's post was basically exactly correct. We need to stop meddling in other country's affairs and South Korea is a more *realistic* threat to America since they have an actual Army and modern weapons.
we should talk or do nothing, wars bring nothing but violence, bloodshed, and the killing of innocent people. 9/11 was a result of america's involvement in the cold war, and the 7/7 attacks was because of britain's involvement in the war of iraq ( in other words, sticking your nose into other people's business, ain't the best idea ).
Example of the IRA for years they bombed us, and threatened us but we never went to war with them, we sat down and talked to them after 30 years we settled are differences.
Yeah, but North Korea has said that they have stopped thier nuclear program (I doubt it). Right now, Iran is the only country in the world running around pointing nuclear weapons at people. It would be very different, I think, if they were in the middle of nowhere. However, they are right close with Israel, another country that could have nuclear weapons, and they both hate each other, so.
America is in it because Israel is their ally, and anytime nuclear weapons are involved, I would think it would be necessary for someone like the Americans to get invovled. Chances are the Americans are the only thing keeping Iran fron attacking Israel. The president of Iran is an idiot, but he's not stupid enough to risk nuclear warfare with a country when his missiles cannot even reach it.
While I am with you on any attack on Iran would be a foolish mistake I have to disagree on a one thing.9/11 was about the US presence in Saudi Arabia and support for Israel.Al Queda originally was formed to fight the russians in Afgahnistan,so they were not trying to hurt the US out of some sympathy for the communists.
point well taken
Democratic countries here in the west respect their religion when they come and live over here. We bend over backwards not to offend them and what gratitude do they show?
We don't "consider" them as a mere "threat", haven't you been in tune with "the word(s)" of ''A-mad-jihad'' ? Does he not often call for the absolute destruction of Israel ? What does he say about the future of America ?McRocket had it right. You can't go around pre-emptively invading every country you consider a threat,
We don't expect them to fall lockstep with our foreign policy ! We're demanding that he cease all of the inflammatory rhetoric whilst the UN allows for him to continue with his secretive underground nuclear program. That's not too much to ask, particularly in the face of a feckless (or perhaps complicit :dunno[ . . .and expect the world to just fall in lockstep with US foreign policy.
I agree yet we can't pretend that the threat isn't present. Threats must be taken seriously. I would rather come out on the surviving end of a conflict, particularly when said conflict includes a reckless and tyrannical regime.That's not realistic. You can't have the "blow them to hell" mentality, and then totally ignore the consequences.
But we do, fortunately, only by those (for now) who fear mutually assured destruction.Quite frankly,I'd rather not have all the nukes in the world aimed at us.
"International Law", IMO, incessantly appeases the fringe element of rad islam . . haven't you noticed ?But if we keep defying international law at every turn,
I agree, and when he's gone I have confidence that this "distant" sentiment will subside.our allies have been not so slowly distancing themselves from us ever since Bush's second term began.
Amadjinehad and the ayatollahs aren't exactly negotiable individuals.Diplomacy is always the best policy - war should be the last resort in all cases.
If you haven't noticed, our allies have been not so slowly distancing themselves from us ever since Bush's second term began.
This is what they should do:
Sit down have some tea chat about the weather, and then have a big orgy whilst listening to Dio - Holy Diver.
What should the West do about Iran?