Rane1071 For the EMPEROR!! Feb 22, 2011 #62 How about Herman .. or Mr Winky. Wait, - Cyril the one-eyed spitter.
Ike Stain Approved Content Owner Approved Content Owner Feb 24, 2011 #65 Ivor Littlun said: Many men have nicknames for their cocks. Mine was given me by a girlfriend whilst she was giving me head. She named it 'the impaler'...yes the impaler. Or at least that's what i thought she said? Turns out she's asthmatic, and it's my fault she died. Click to expand... Impaler... I like that!
Ivor Littlun said: Many men have nicknames for their cocks. Mine was given me by a girlfriend whilst she was giving me head. She named it 'the impaler'...yes the impaler. Or at least that's what i thought she said? Turns out she's asthmatic, and it's my fault she died. Click to expand... Impaler... I like that!
Ike Stain Approved Content Owner Approved Content Owner Feb 25, 2011 #72 rane1071 said: How about Herman .. Click to expand... Woody Herman could be good... Ulysses31 said: The Drill Sergeant Click to expand... I'm actually going to use that as a nickname as opposed to formal name. I'll ask chicks if they'd like to meet the Drill Sergeant.
rane1071 said: How about Herman .. Click to expand... Woody Herman could be good... Ulysses31 said: The Drill Sergeant Click to expand... I'm actually going to use that as a nickname as opposed to formal name. I'll ask chicks if they'd like to meet the Drill Sergeant.