What pornstar would you like to watch you sleep.....

heather brooke, because i know that even if she had an axe in her hand, she'd have my cock in her mouth. she can wear whatever she wants when she's sucking my cock so hard the bedsheets are getting sucked up my ass!
BB i think you are on to something
BB i think you are on to something

Well, it seemed to me that there were to many, what pornstar would you like to [insert generic question here] threads. So I thought I'd mix it up a bit, bam it up another notch as some would say.

So now that the thread has taken off, I feel there might be a market for scary clowns watching whilst you sleep holding a sharp instrument that could decapatate if the holder wished to do so. Danger/horror (I wouldnt call it porn because there is no nudity or sex involved) "events" seem like the new thing.

Jump on my band wagon gang, this could be one hell of a ride. Or not . . . .

Although I see that some are taking this thread seriously, whilst I dont blame them. Its an extremely sexy thing to think about, just ask hothannah..........please halt what you are doing and back away.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
The guy that goes "YEEEAH DUUUUDE" from Bang Bus. I want him to wake me up so I could pound the side of his neck with a newly purchased hammer.
Wait, who's dressed up in clown make up, holding an axe: me or the pornstar?