What pisses you off?


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
The Useless State Of California and all the Jack-ass dumb-shit motherfuckers that are running it.

And that stupid cunt bitch whore skank of an ex-wife.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Humans, with a few exceptions.
YouTube for deleting my account. But most of all, Copyright laws. Not ALL of them, but the ones that restrict what can appear on sites like YouTube. Those greedy fucks think they lose any money by someone posting some music to hear? Not everything gets played on the radio, so here, if someone likes what they hear then they'll buy the album. But those corporate pricks don't see it that way. So fuck them all. Damn right I'm pissed off.


The malleability of the politically captured individual . . give him or her a freebie once, twice and thrice and they're lazy for life and they'll continue to vote for the political apparatus that takes from the doers and gives to the . . . sorry I have to say this . . . loosers :eeew:
I hate ceos and business assholes like Big Oil and Big Ag who cry and plead for tax breaks out of one mouth whilst they plunder wall street with barrels filled with gold quarter after quarter and year after year....

And yet..the lazy American does nothing but head off to church and pray for "a miracle" :facepalm: or head off to WalMart :facepalm:
I hate ceos and business assholes like Big Oil and Big Ag who cry and plead for tax breaks out of one mouth whilst they plunder wall street with barrels filled with gold quarter after quarter and year after year....

And yet..the lazy American does nothing but head off to church and pray for "a miracle" :facepalm: or head off to WalMart :facepalm:

I'm an Atheist so I don't believe in miracles, and Walmart can kiss my ass.

I've got a few at this minute:

1. People who use the phrase "Ouch" to express misfortune, or anything other than physical pain.
For example: I just saw a commercial for a store that sells suits. He's talking about "the other guys" not having this or that. He looks at the camera and says "Ouch".
A former friend of mine used to say it all the time and it pissed me off so bad.
"Ouch" is something said for when a child scrapes their knee. Not for when someone lost their job, or when someone's out of cigarettes.

2. People who cannot spell the word "loser". The word is not "LOOSER". "Looser" is not a word but it is almost as if your are talking about something being loose. "This is loose, but this is looser than that".
This is not difficult.

3. People who use the phrase "My bad". You sound like a retarded mongoloid. You don't sound cool. You sound like a braindead Frankenstein monster who's trying to learn to speak human.

4. "Hater's gonna hate" - wait, hold on - "Haya' guh hae". Is this supposed to make you sound deep? If you have to go around using that phrase then I'm sure there's a good reason they hate you. Maybe they're not the problem you rotten fuck!

...And that's what grind my gears at 23:58 hours. Diane?
Oh, and "made of win", "this is pure win", "this is made of fail"...
All of that shit needs to fucking die off goddammit!!

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
The people who piss and moan about how bad the Muslims are being treated in this country. Go join Al Qaeda.


Re: What pisses you off?

1) The tiny rubber bands that my ''paper boy'' (Vinh Nguyen a grown man in his early model Toyota Tercel) has been using in order to cut costs. The things are worthless! go look for yourself, take a peek down my block at about a quarter after 6 AM, the street is littered with newspapers! . . . had to chase my sports section as it was blowing down the street the other morning. :mad:/

Keep it up Nguyen, I have a 5 gallon pail of tar and a 40 gallon sized contractor trash bag full of duck feathers and they're callin your name.:cthulhu:

2) The shrinking of grocery store items . . . one month a package will have a contents of 16oz, a couple of months later, it's down to 14.5oz and then later it's 13 oz, then 12oz etc. Stop It!
There isn't much that upsets me except maybe people that don't change the toilet paper or paper towel rolls after using the last sheet. I have no idea why it bothers me, but for some reason it's a huge pet peeve of mine.

Oh, and slow drivers.
I did a lot of soul searching since my previous post at 1:50 and now I truly realize just how much I hate the word Mississippi. Seriously, who needs all of those double letters? What a waste of time. Why can't we just change the spelling to "Misisipi" or maybe even shorten it to "Misipi." I mean, what the fuck does it matter? Its not really even a state anyway. Do they even get to vote over there?
It pisses me off that the White Sox are 7-1 on a current 10 game road trip and they haven't gained any games on the first place Twins, the Twins just don't want to lose.:(