What pisses you off?


Torn & Frayed.
Commercials on TV for various brands of booze which tell me to drink responsibly.

I know it's a legal thing,I know it's smart,but it annoys the fuck out of me.


Was King of the Board for a Day
I used to have a book filled up with what pissed me off. After a while, it became easier to start writing a book with what didn't piss me off. I didn't do it though, because doing so would have pissed me off.

On topic, every washed-up or semi-washed up (ex) television and/or movie star who decides it's such an amazing and original career move to get their own reality show. First one that comes to mind? David Hasselhoff's new show, "Don't Hassle the Hasselhoff" or whatever shitty, punny name they came up with. I don't need to know how you spend your days doing your grocery shopping, working out, planning further moves for your ever-plummeting career, and I don't care. And this goes out to everyone, David, Lisa Rinna, Carnie Wilson, who the fuck ever. Get your shit together, but keep it out of my television.


Lord Dipstick
Constipation :mad:
Girlfriends who move on faster than me! bitches
Depression meds completely killing your sexual function! You're depressed about your shitty life, and now, you can't cum if your life depends on it!
Depression meds completely killing your sexual function! You're depressed about your shitty life, and now, you can't cum if your life depends on it!

I'm not a doc or anything so take my advice with a grain of salt on this...but since wanking (or whatever method of getting off) produces mood changing chemicals..wouldn't it work to drop the meds and increase your wanking?:dunno:


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It's true, if it weren't for wanking those tough times would not have been overcome.
I'm not a doc or anything so take my advice with a grain of salt on this...but since wanking (or whatever method of getting off) produces mood changing chemicals..wouldn't it work to drop the meds and increase your wanking?:dunno:
That would be brilliant, if "wanking" got rid of all depression. Unfortunately, depression lingers for life and meds work best at higher dosages, and I can't wank 24/7.

It's a tough balancing act.
That would be brilliant, if "wanking" got rid of all depression. Unfortunately, depression lingers for life and meds work best at higher dosages, and I can't wank 24/7.

It's a tough balancing act.

I hope this doesn't depress you even more...BUT-THAT-FUCKING-SUCKS!!

Fucking chronically depressed but can't even enjoy one of life's simplest pleasures??? There a many examples of the world being cruel and unfair..not many worse than that.

It's not much ...but here's some rep to cheer you up.:o
That would be brilliant, if "wanking" got rid of all depression. Unfortunately, depression lingers for life and meds work best at higher dosages, and I can't wank 24/7.

It's a tough balancing act.

I'd say to talk to your doctor, mention this symptom and ask for an alternative medicine. There are several different types of medication for depression. Unfortunately, there seems to be no way to predict a patient's individual responses to the treatments beforehand, though it seems that there is one class of depression medication (SSRIs) that is often linked to sexual dysfunction.


The usual disclaimer: I am not a doctor (but whoever your doctor is, he should be aware of the issue with SSRIs and generally about depression medication having effects like this).
Lefties (and elitist righties) who argue that immigrants do the work that no one wants to do. I swear, if I see another roofing company in my neighborhood with two dozen illegals on a roof that's about to cave in I am going to go on a friggin' rampage with my Remmington. :mad:


Lefties (and elitist righties) who argue that immigrants do the work that no one wants to do. I swear, if I see another roofing company in my neighborhood with two dozen illegals on a roof that's about to cave in I am going to go on a friggin' rampage with my Remmington. :mad:

Now now, Mr. Stormfront . . . :nono:

Now now, Mr. Stormfront . . . :nono:


These scumbags come through with their hummers and beamers and do a house a day. It's why my buddy lost his roofing company; it's impossible to compete with these rat bastards who undercut companies that hire and pay their (American) workers an honest rate.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
People who listen to bad music.