What part of Europe has the best babe's?

I'd really like to know because I'm moving to Europe, anywhere, and I'd like to know so I can find myself a nice Euro, loving and beautiful Euro Girl, and yes I am Euro too! ^_^

I'm not that fussy, I have all differnt kind's of taste's but, where has the best Euro babe's?

One thing that would be nice, country name's and a few babe's of where their from to get some kind of idea of what they look like. I know this is a big ask but this could go biggish and help/interest other freeone users!
Eastern Europe (Czech/Slovakia/Poland) or Scandinavia.
I heard East Euro is VERY feral and rough as guts so, I'll stay away from there.

I am german and polish and a tiny bit english so, I'm very keen in Germany! Scandinavia aye? They remind me of white indian's, mainly because I had a Indian Friend that looked scandinavian :\

I hear Holland, Sweden and Switzerland are good! Nice blonde chicks, I like black hair and green eye's but that's just me being fussy. I don't like massive tits, medium is my favourite.


If you like olive skinned hazel eyed babes along with a Gothy ambiance,
Go to Prague young man !! :bowdown:
That's in Czech right? Isn't that a slutty, rough kind of...dump? So I hear.

I just want a beautiful and loving woman, one that will love me deeply and won't tart around at all with any other man. I'm a guy that is big for love and relationships :)
Are u really goin' to live there based on what we say?

Well, I'll be moving there and travelling practially everywhere in europe apart from Russia and some other small places and I'll choose somewhere to live and join the Air Force, then I'll somehow...meet Girl's there...somehow...:dunno:
Well, I'll be moving there and travelling practially everywhere in europe apart from Russia and some other small places and I'll choose somewhere to live and join the Air Force, then I'll somehow...meet Girl's there...somehow...:dunno:

Can u control a plane? I mean are u a pilot? And you won't meet girls when you join the Air Force or do you mean an Airline, cuz that's where you will meet girls you know an air hostess or something like that LOL plus you gotta get a local permission to stay in that particular country LOL
Yes I know how it all work's, 'Kim Dim' my friend, you most likely won't get that, but anyways. I hear there are quite a bit of Girl's in the Air Force because it is Woman-Friendly inviroment, there's quite a bit in the Army and they say there's more in the Air Force!
Best for looking at, Eastern European chicks, best for fucking, British or Spanish chicks, best for marrying, German chicks.
There's nice looking women in every country. You just need to look a little harder in some place than you would in others. But they are there.


Is somewhere outhere.
I think any part of Europe has the best babes.But if I could say one
then it would the Hanseatic (Danes,Swedes,Finns,German,Poles,Latvian,
Lithuanian,Estonian and Russian) women ;)