What makes people vote republican

What makes people vote Republican?

Analyze the traditional 'blue' states and the traditional 'red' states. Look at their demographics and which issues are traditionally important to them and you will have your answer.

And the swing voters that decide elections? Generally wishy washy people that vote out of fear or ignorance and are the same kind of people that salespeople are the most successful at getting them to buy things against their will.
And probably also a bit of what ChefChiTown said; they like to belong to the winning team. They are the people that fill up the stands of a baseball team when they are winning but don't go when they are losing; bandwagon jumpers. YUCH!!!
Die hard conservatives with their pro capital punishment, feverish love of guns, religious whackoism and their over-the-top nationalism give me the creeps. But at least they stand for something.
Swing voters stand for little. They go with the wind.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I may just be a dumb European who has no idea, but can I ask why that is? Are your guns the most important thing in your life or did I just get the wronge vibe from that, and if they are the most important thing in your life why is that and doesnt that seem strange that it is?

Certainly not as important as my health, and well being, and most important, my family, but I feel very strongly about the Constitution, and it's importance, and, the struggles that our founding fathers went through to provide America with a solid foundation, on which to build this nation. Sadly, in the past several years, many, MANY of those rights have been stripped from us, and as bad as it is, it could be far worse. However many rights they take from us, they can't take them all, as long as we the people have the right, and ability to stand against them, thats where the Second Amendment comes into play, and thats what the Second Amendment is all about. I feel if it falls, they will all fall behind it, because as great as our system of government is, sadly it is control by greedy self serving asshat politicians.
I have a question for the folks who vote for and support overall the republicans.As has been spoken about if you looked at the republican convention and who votes republican, overwhelming it is a party of just whites.While the dems are much more diverse in their membership.So the questions are.

1. Does that concern you,and if not, why not?

2. Shouldn't a national political party be trying to represent all segments of society and if they don't and continue to be seen as just a party of the majority whites given the growth of the size of minorities and the shrinking relative size of the majority isn't it political suicide for them to not try broaden their appeal?

3. If that does bother you eitheir because you think all people really are equal or even if as just a tactical effort to see republicans be viable in the future what would you suggest the republicans do to appeal to more than just the whites they appeal to now? More programs for the poor,possible support for affirmative action,less tax cuts for the wealthy which of course is overwhlming still whites predominately,these are just a few possible ways I can think of,but I am really interested in what republican supporters think.

I understand that the republicans (and some of you won't like this but I still think it's true) became the party of the white back-lash against the civil rights movement which has been discussed here at length with the references to what LBJ said when he signed civil rights legislation.And that strategy worked for them too as has been pointed out to have a solid republican south white voting block as well as get a lot of white votes nationally and they have won several election using that stategy.But I wonder how comfortable at this point even most whites have with being seen as being part of a party seen as insensitive and playing to racial bigotry and stereotypes.And again even if you are dismissive of the issues that minorities raise do you not see that the future for the republicans is not very good if they do not broaden their appeal to more than just the white majority.:dunno:
Only a handful:dunno:

If my numbers are correct the House vote went something like this:

For Resolution Dems(81) Rep(215)

Against Resolution Dem(126) REP(6)

Over 60% percent DEMS voted against it right?

Senate went something like this:

FOR : DEMS(29) REP(48)

Against DEMS(21) REP(1)

Now the Dem Senators dropped the ball a bit as a little over half voted for ,but in total 147 out of 257 Dems in Congress voted against. More than a "handful" I would say.

And there is too much fearmongering/Identity/Cultural politics being played for a Black Dem to seperate from an opponent or win this election. Even McCain has admitted that this is a campaign about "personality" than issues. He knows Obama can not win when it comes to the "he's like me", "can relate to him", "has my values" tactics that they sucessfully play on.

Then you can just move if you don't like it. Funny, America, the land of the evil racist oppressive white man, and how many non-whites around the world salivate over living next to us? Why, if the WASP is so evil and opressive, does a flood from South America want to live next to us so bad? Just answer that for me.

And if Obama doesn't like it, he can take his sorry ass back to Kenya and live amongst the dozen brothers and sisters or so his womanizing pappy had out of wedlock. If you think America has racist tendecies, leave. I don't see it. I see oppurtunity everywhere I look for everyone involved. :cool:
I have a question for the folks who vote for and support overall the republicans.As has been spoken about if you looked at the republican convention and who votes republican, overwhelming it is a party of just whites.While the dems are much more diverse in their membership.So the questions are.

1. Does that concern you,and if not, why not?

2. Shouldn't a national political party be trying to represent all segments of society and if they don't and continue to be seen as just a party of the majority whites given the growth of the size of minorities and the shrinking relative size of the majority isn't it political suicide for them to not try broaden their appeal?

3. If that does bother you eitheir because you think all people really are equal or even if as just a tactical effort to see republicans be viable in the future what would you suggest the republicans do to appeal to more than just the whites they appeal to now? More programs for the poor,possible support for affirmative action,less tax cuts for the wealthy which of course is overwhlming still whites predominately,these are just a few possible ways I can think of,but I am really interested in what republican supporters think.

I understand that the republicans (and some of you won't like this but I still think it's true) became the party of the white back-lash against the civil rights movement which has been discussed here at length with the references to what LBJ said when he signed civil rights legislation.And that strategy worked for them too as has been pointed out to have a solid republican south white voting block as well as get a lot of white votes nationally and they have won several election using that stategy.But I wonder how comfortable at this point even most whites have with being seen as being part of a party seen as insensitive and playing to racial bigotry and stereotypes.And again even if you are dismissive of the issues that minorities raise do you not see that the future for the republicans is not very good if they do not broaden their appeal to more than just the white majority.:dunno:

Your'e talking to a country that is majority white. Dumb question. Ask Zimbabwians if they are upset about their uninclusive majority black membership in whatever party they have there. Is that fair? It's stupid.
Your'e talking to a country that is majority white. Dumb question. Ask Zimbabwians if they are upset about their uninclusive majority black membership in whatever party they have there. Is that fair? It's stupid.

Yeah but the majority is shrinking and dems may still be a majority white party but appeal to others as well much more then republicans do.And while I don't like the if you don't like it leave type of rhetoric, would it not be fair to say to people that don't like the changes that have occured and are continuing with the changing racial make up of the country that maybe they should be the ones to leave?
Yeah but the majority is shrinking and dems may still be a majority white party but appeal to others as well much more then republicans do.And while I don't like the if you don't like it leave type of rhetoric, would it not be fair to say to people that don't like the changes that have occured and are continuing with the changing racial make up of the country that maybe they should be the ones to leave?

Well, they're not gonna leave. They've been here for 3, 4, 5 ,6 ,7 8 generations, so I doubt they will leave. They have other options.
I have a question for the folks who vote for and support overall the republicans.As has been spoken about if you looked at the republican convention and who votes republican, overwhelming it is a party of just whites.While the dems are much more diverse in their membership.So the questions are.

1. Does that concern you,and if not, why not?

2. Shouldn't a national political party be trying to represent all segments of society and if they don't and continue to be seen as just a party of the majority whites given the growth of the size of minorities and the shrinking relative size of the majority isn't it political suicide for them to not try broaden their appeal?

3. If that does bother you either because you think all people really are equal or even if as just a tactical effort to see republicans be viable in the future what would you suggest the republicans do to appeal to more than just the whites they appeal to now? More programs for the poor,possible support for affirmative action,less tax cuts for the wealthy which of course is overwhlming still whites predominately,these are just a few possible ways I can think of,but I am really interested in what republican supporters think.

I understand that the republicans (and some of you won't like this but I still think it's true) became the party of the white back-lash against the civil rights movement which has been discussed here at length with the references to what LBJ said when he signed civil rights legislation.And that strategy worked for them too as has been pointed out to have a solid republican south white voting block as well as get a lot of white votes nationally and they have won several election using that stategy.But I wonder how comfortable at this point even most whites have with being seen as being part of a party seen as insensitive and playing to racial bigotry and stereotypes.And again even if you are dismissive of the issues that minorities raise do you not see that the future for the republicans is not very good if they do not broaden their appeal to more than just the white majority.:dunno:

1) even if I am not American, I have also remarked and noted that in the past some latin minorities and even blacks voted republican, so I don't think that the Republican party has only white voters.

2) yes, it is true but then ideas of a party may or may not appeal to the voters and that is another question. You can't blame a party for their ideas. Ideas are to be taken as they are. Powell or Condi would have made great Republican candidates and they have far more political experience than Obama. I highly admire Powell and Condi who are two great black politicians.

3)Massive tax cuts are socialism and none don't want to see their money striped of their revenues. Helping the poor mean teach them in a job where they can be useful to the society and instore a minimum insertion wage so they could at least live safely. I think the minorities have to adapt and to succeed you have to bust your ass and work hard because with no work you will get nothing. People are highly individualistic in the USA and none owes something to another one, after that one can consider it good or bad all depends of the opinion and the mentality of the person you are talking with.


Closed Account
Wait a second... I do indeed decide my vote based on many of those issues, and I am indeed afraid of what the Democratic party would do in regards to those issues if they controlled both the White House and Congress. Barack Obama has:

1. endorsed handgun bans in both Illinois and Washington D.C.
2. defended the legality of partial birth abortion
3. supported increased taxes for those making over $250,000, keeping the Alternative Minimum Tax, and raising Capital Gains Taxes.

Thus, he has a history of voting in ways contrary to my reason and conscience. That is not fear mongering. That's informed voting.

Point well taken. I agree that the Dems should just lay off the strict gun control issues ( I own two guns myself)& maybe they can cut back into some of the male vote that they have gradually lost.

I leave abortion issues up to women.

I guess it is easy for me since I don't make over 250,000, but he is only proposing that we raise it approx. 3% (back to where it was during Clinton administration). If I was faced with a 3% tax increase(that would be spent on infrastucture/education/PROVEN social programs & NOT on misguided wars(IRAQ) I doubt I would have a problem.
But I respect your philisophical difference & certainly understand your concerns.


Closed Account
Then you can just move if you don't like it. Funny, America, the land of the evil racist oppressive white man, and how many non-whites around the world salivate over living next to us? Why, if the WASP is so evil and opressive, does a flood from South America want to live next to us so bad? Just answer that for me.

And if Obama doesn't like it, he can take his sorry ass back to Kenya and live amongst the dozen brothers and sisters or so his womanizing pappy had out of wedlock. If you think America has racist tendecies, leave. I don't see it. I see oppurtunity everywhere I look for everyone involved. :cool:

Man you guys are gonna prove Obama's "bitter Americans" comment is something that is based in reality if you keep this up.
Obama is just us much White as he is Black & he has ever lived in Kenya?:dunno:
McCain himself has stated that this will be election NOT about issues ,but "personality". Idetity/Culture

Are you more upset that I said that Republicans do play on Cultural/Identity politics or the fact that I rightfully challenged your assertation that only a "handful" of Democrats voted against the war win in fact MOST did.



For WAR Dem(81) Rep(215)

AGAINST DEM(126) Rep(6)


For WAR: DEM(29) REP(48)


And since you seem to suggest that Senator Obama(Go back to Africa although he is not from there) or whomever disagrees with you "leave". I have another interestig fact.

Of the 37 African Americans in congress 32 voted AGAINST that foolish war also. :dunno: So maybe if there few were more people like Obama in Congress maybe we wouldn't have been in this foolish 3 trillion dollar war anyhow:wave2:
I have a question for the folks who vote for and support overall the republicans.As has been spoken about if you looked at the republican convention and who votes republican, overwhelming it is a party of just whites.While the dems are much more diverse in their membership.So the questions are.

1. Does that concern you,and if not, why not?

2. Shouldn't a national political party be trying to represent all segments of society and if they don't and continue to be seen as just a party of the majority whites given the growth of the size of minorities and the shrinking relative size of the majority isn't it political suicide for them to not try broaden their appeal?

3. If that does bother you eitheir because you think all people really are equal or even if as just a tactical effort to see republicans be viable in the future what would you suggest the republicans do to appeal to more than just the whites they appeal to now? More programs for the poor,possible support for affirmative action,less tax cuts for the wealthy which of course is overwhlming still whites predominately,these are just a few possible ways I can think of,but I am really interested in what republican supporters think.

I understand that the republicans (and some of you won't like this but I still think it's true) became the party of the white back-lash against the civil rights movement which has been discussed here at length with the references to what LBJ said when he signed civil rights legislation.And that strategy worked for them too as has been pointed out to have a solid republican south white voting block as well as get a lot of white votes nationally and they have won several election using that stategy.But I wonder how comfortable at this point even most whites have with being seen as being part of a party seen as insensitive and playing to racial bigotry and stereotypes.And again even if you are dismissive of the issues that minorities raise do you not see that the future for the republicans is not very good if they do not broaden their appeal to more than just the white majority.:dunno:

Friday, judging by the few answers that you've recieved for these questions so far, I think the best answer to the question, "What makes people vote republican?", is blind ignorance and/or dishonest cynicism. Which means the responders don't actually know the answer to your questions, which means they are ignorant, or they do know the answers but they choose to give you a bullshit line like, "The majority of the country is white so that's why the republican party is 99.9% white", which would make them dishonest cynics.

Hopefully someone will come along and give thoughtful, coherent answers to your questions and prove me wrong.
I vote republican based on a few issues.

Gun control

The liberals/democrats have been wanting stricter and stricter gun control regulations. I don't want to give up the only thing that ensures nobody enters my house with ill intentions. Criminals are criminals and just because you get the law abiding citizens to be disarmed doesn't mean they will too.

Immigration is something that pisses me off. Both republicans and democrats know full well that there is a huge leak in our border security and do practically nothing to stop it. The democrats want "amnesty" and the republicans want a wall, but never build it. Just because they're human and wanting a better life doesn't mean that they get a free pass to the American dream with welfare, social security and government aid. They need to wait their turn in line behind everyone else who is going through the proper channels.

Also, stop catering to those who offer nothing to our country (uneducated). Learn the language and blend into America not the other way around. I should not have to rely on your child to translate for you because you refuse to learn the unofficial language of my country.
Man you guys are gonna prove Obama's "bitter Americans" comment is something that is based in reality if you keep this up.
Obama is just us much White as he is Black & he has ever lived in Kenya?:dunno:
McCain himself has stated that this will be election NOT about issues ,but "personality". Idetity/Culture

Are you more upset that I said that Republicans do play on Cultural/Identity politics or the fact that I rightfully challenged your assertation that only a "handful" of Democrats voted against the war win in fact MOST did.



For WAR Dem(81) Rep(215)

AGAINST DEM(126) Rep(6)


For WAR: DEM(29) REP(48)


And since you seem to suggest that Senator Obama(Go back to Africa although he is not from there) or whomever disagrees with you "leave". I have another interestig fact.

Of the 37 African Americans in congress 32 voted AGAINST that foolish war also. :dunno: So maybe if there few were more people like Obama in Congress maybe we wouldn't have been in this foolish 3 trillion dollar war anyhow:wave2:

He can do whatever he wants. He's a citizen. Bitter? I am not bitter. Inside I laugh because I know the real situation--despite going to my University only to see Latino, black, asain, GLBT orgs of all kinds and the only kind I could be a member of doesn't exist, because it would be racist (on second thought, maybe I am bitter?). So don't tell me who the racist is. Not to mention the fact that polls show 90% of African Americans plan to vote for Obama solely on the basis of his skin color...fucking walking hypocracy... :nono:
He can do whatever he wants. He's a citizen. Bitter? I am not bitter. Inside I laugh because I know the real situation--despite going to my University only to see Latino, black, asain, GLBT orgs of all kinds and the only kind I could be a member of doesn't exist, because it would be racist. So don't tell me who the racist is. Not to mention the fact that polls show 90% of African Americans plan to vote for Obama solely on the basis of his skin color... :nono:

Standards, they have double the amount.
He can do whatever he wants. He's a citizen. Bitter? I am not bitter. Inside I laugh because I know the real situation--despite going to my University only to see Latino, black, asain, GLBT orgs of all kinds and the only kind I could be a member of doesn't exist, because it would be racist (on second thought, maybe I am bitter?). So don't tell me who the racist is. Not to mention the fact that polls show 90% of African Americans plan to vote for Obama solely on the basis of his skin color...fucking walking hypocracy... :nono:

Don't call out lefties for hypocrisy... they will call you names :rofl:
i'm not a registered republican, don't like bush and didn't vote for him. for me it's not taking sides at all which was suggested in the first page or 2 of this thread.

i'm voting for mccain on the few issues that mean most to me: taxes, smaller gov, and national security. i live in san francisco and i haven't reported seeing any ufo's either so the notion that only rednecks who are afraid of change vote republican doesn't fly.

liberals may have good intentions and all but they typically go overboard with the hand-outs and social programs. they spend and spend and spend til our money is gone then they raise our taxes so they can continue spending. just look at the california budget quagmire.

obama is going to raise more taxes then he's saying he will. he's proposing billions in new spending that his tax proposals won't come close to covering. how's he going to make up the rest?...hmm, more taxes. he'll let the current bush tax cuts expire so he says that's not actually raising taxes. people who earn 250k and over will get a tax hike but they are already among the highest tax payers there are, it just sounds good to the people who don't make that much and think they are rich so go ahead and tax them. raising a family in the bay area on 250k a year is upper middle class, far from rich. living on 250k a year in laramie wyoming might be different

what's also disturbing to me is that obama wants to raise cap gains taxes even though it's been proven that it will actually generate less revenue for the gov, not more. he says he wants to raise that tax anyway "to be fair". even though it won't generate any more money for the gov he'll take it anyway because the people who earned it shouldn't keep it... not only is he way too far left for me, that sounds marxist.
i'd rather have condolezza rice than obama for pres.

Two events made Condoleezza Rice switch from being a registered Democrat to a Republican.

The first was when she watched the 1984 Democratic National Convention that nominated Walter Mondale for president. Rice, who grew up during segregation, was turned off by an endless refrain of appeals to “women, minorities, and the poor, which basically means helpless people and the poor,” she has said. Rice decided she would “rather be ignored than patronized.”

The second event was Jimmy Carter’s professed shock at the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, demonstrating naivete and spotlighting his feeble approach to national security. The spectacle sickened her.

Substitute the name Barack Obama for Walter Mondale and Jimmy Carter and you have a good summation of this presidential candidate’s approach.

To be sure, Obama is a master at seeming to appeal to all sides. But his voting record makes it clear he is a doctrinaire liberal who sees minorities as victims and the government as the solution to all problems — except when it comes to protecting us from terrorist attacks.
He can do whatever he wants. He's a citizen. Bitter? I am not bitter. Inside I laugh because I know the real situation--despite going to my University only to see Latino, black, asain, GLBT orgs of all kinds and the only kind I could be a member of doesn't exist, because it would be racist (on second thought, maybe I am bitter?). So don't tell me who the racist is. Not to mention the fact that polls show 90% of African Americans plan to vote for Obama solely on the basis of his skin color...fucking walking hypocracy... :nono:

Well many White Americans still have an issue with race. If white americans being a minority were fielding their 1st Presidential candiate in this countries history after a dealing with history of slavery and Jim Crow laws. I think I am safe to assume, Most White americans would be on the band wagon to vote for the candidate.

Just so you know if only 90% of blacks vote for Obama I would be surprised as Gore and Kerry got 90% of the black vote as well.So for blacks to vote for the democratic candidate is nothing new or about the color of the candidate.This all relates to my earlier post on what will the future of the republicans be if they don't get some diversity somehow in their party and attract new people.They were making inroads with hispanics once (GWB got like 40% hispanic vote) but a lot of that has been undone by their anti-immigration rhetoric which has pissed off a lot of even native born hispanics.
Why would anti immigration rhetoric piss off native born hispanics? Just because they're from the same country their ancestors are from? I'm not pissed that Germans aren't always let in or deported.

I'm pissed that we allow the worst of the worst in with a free ride, regardless of nationality.

Blacks, hispanics and other minorities vote democrat due to their being pandered to and babied as if they can't fend for themselves.