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What made you have the political views that you do?

In my late teens early 20's I woud've considered myself a liberal. I thought republicans were a bunch of old racist white men. Without conceding to that claim I've found there's another form of racism on the left that's more insidious - that patrician attitude that "you're incapable of making it on your own. You need our help and we know what's best for you."

The change in ideology started for me when I was applying for a position one time and was encouraged to take advantage of my ethnicity (white/pacific islander) nevermind my qualifications.
Life teaches.

I do not support Liberals because they do not tolerate other people's opinions and Conservatives sometimes working against their own people.

My choice is the Social Democrats.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I've been reading about ancient Rome since I took a Civics class in the 8th grade. The teacher had a fascination for the Greeks and Romans. As part of his class, we spent as much time learning the Greek and Roman gods as we did learning about the mechanics of American governance. But I also learned that the founding fathers had a fascination for the Greek and Latin classics (Plato, Plutarch, Cicero, et al). Unlike now, children back then learned to read and speak Latin. My mother had to take Latin when she was a child. And even as late as when I was in school, we got some (brief) tutoring on Latin phrases to prepare for the SATs. Additionally, there is a very real reason for why the government buildings in Washington, D.C. look like they were plucked from ancient Rome. And there is a very real reason for why Latin phrases and symbols from the time of the Roman Republic are on everything from our money to the halls of Congress.

So in addition to what I learned from my parents (practical, pragmatic, live & let live/die type people) and my life experiences, I was heavily influenced by the books I read while laying on my bed at night, transported back in time, reading accounts of how the tribes that eventually formed Rome overthrew the Etruscan monarchy which was oppressing them... in the exact same fashion that the American colonists later overthrew the British monarchy which was oppressing them.

Plutarch: "The world of man is best captured through the lives of the men who created history."

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Yes, that is a major problem in the United States: our children are too educated. They're simply too capable of doing higher math and comprehending science concepts. Best that they not start school until they're about 10... and then for only a year or two - in a home school with Ma & Pa teachin' 'em how to cypher. Basic math would include counting on their fingers. Higher math would include removing their shoes (if they wear shoes in their family).

Thank goodness we're able to "import" enough Asians to further our technological needs. Are U.S. kids still even in the top 30 globally? Probably not. But who cares, as long as their ideologically pure. God help us. :facepalm:


Closed Account
Get 'em while they're young. Hence, the reasoning behind Obama's new program to enroll all 4 year old children into Head Start programs. Nothing quite so satisfying as brain-washing them early in government camps, versus letting the actual parents guide their children.

Hitler had something along those same lines concerning the German children. FUCK OBAMA!

Sam Fisher really has returned.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
What made you have the political views that you do?
Common sense and an attention span longer than one presidential election cycle.

Sam Fisher really has returned.
Much like power abhors a vacuum, so does idiocy. Not that there isn't another poster who isn't working tirelessly to fill Sam's void already.
Common sense and an attention span longer than one presidential election cycle.

Much like power abhors a vacuum, so does idiocy. Not that there isn't another poster who isn't working tirelessly to fill Sam's void already.

You haven't exactly articulated solid political arguments yourself. From what I have seen here, all you do is chime in with the usual "scientific" 'atheist" babble. I don't really give a shit what you think of me or my opinions. If being a conservative on this board means that I have to be as much of an asshole as the liberals here then so be it. You want to hear a real in your face conservative, check out Mark Levin. He earned his law degree from Temple University by the age of 21 and is a rabid Tea Party conservative and is far more intelligent and educated than you will ever hope to be.. I tried the courteous approach with you fuckers and it doesn't work.

I didn't turn the tide here, fuckers like you did. Yeah I know, you are too good for knock down drag out political arguments. Here's a news flash, politics are nasty. The only people that are "respected" as you say, are moderates or mealy mouthed Republicans who aren't willing to call liberals out on their lies. By the same token, there are plenty of liberals here that have been as abrasive and rude as Sam (although I wish he hadn't tried to push buttons so often) or I ever have been. But because they don't offend your sensitivities they are not out of line. You are nothing but a drone. It takes a lot of intestinal fortitude to walk lock step with the Pacific Northwest liberal mindset. What a brave and courageous little sheep you are.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
I don't really give a shit what you think of me or my opinions.
The fact that you feel the need to articulate this almost every exchange we have shows me you're either lying to me or yourself.

The rest of the post was a pointless rant. I'll give it a :dunno: .
The fact that you feel the need to articulate this almost every exchange we have shows me you're either lying to me or yourself.

The rest of the post was a pointless rant. I'll give it a :dunno: .

Actually you keep addressing me and as long as you continue to, I will keep reminding you how insignificant your opinion is to me. Of course my rant is pointless to you. You are so wrapped in your own opinion that you can't understand why some of us don't buy in to your bullshit. The point is, that ever since I have been posting here, fuckers like you who lean left or far left see no problem with the douchebaggery of liberal posters. It is only conservatives that engage in heated discussion or exchange insults that are over the top. So what I am saying genius, is that your perspective means about as much to conservatives as ours means to you. I don't find you to be a remarkable intellect, as much as you try and project it. You're just a gasbag.
After going through some of my posts here, I think I have been a little too in your face lately. Rattrap is one of the better posters here from an attitude standpoint. I shouldn't have responded as I have recently.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Me. After carefully watching my environment, and seeing scumbags successfully scamming welfare, and those that were wealthier scamming the income tax laws, and a government that allowed it, combined with watching my paycheck get smaller, and the deductions get bigger...I made my choices. I vote for the one that least offends me, I don't care about the letter next to his name, I care about how believable his lies are. That, and I read over what the GOA, and NRA, have to say, then look a little deeper at that politicians views. In other words, if a candidate has an a+ rating with the NRA, but is a viscous opponent of abortion, or wants to double my taxes....and his/her rival has a b+ rating, but is less likely to vote for abortion laws, or want to raise taxes, I would vote for the candidate with the b+ rating. However, a candidate with a d or f rating, is out, under any circumstance. My reasoning is this. If a politician successfully passes an anti abortion law, the next politician might make an effort to repeal it, but if a politician passes gun control, the next one is likely to not even try to give us back our guns...because no matter what they say, they really do want us all to be unarmed sheeple. I know no one is coming door to door to take them, but then, I don't know they aren't.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
This a fundamental belief. You don't "evolve" into changing your mind 2 years later.While he said that there should not be a constitutional amendment he was crystal clear that in his opinion that marriage was between a man and a woman. Let's just say I am skeptical in place of a not so flattering term as lie.

In what way has he changed his mind? I have to say that I am of the same opinion as far as thinking that marriage is between a man and a woman but that this is my own belief and this should not stop same sex couples having the same rights as a "conventional" married couple. If this means that in law that are called "married" then that is the way it should be rather than making up a new status to cover same sex couples. I have not changed my belief on what is marriage as such even though gay couples can now get "married".

Nice exchange between BC and larrs in the Obamacare Fuck Up thread. I picked out the above two quotes to illustrate what I see as the fundamental difference between liberals and conservatives and why I'm liberal. As it concerns gay marriage, and most other social issues, I don't want or need a candidate to believe everything I do on a personal level to gain my vote. As long as a politician vows to uphold the Constitution in the spirit of The Declaration of Independence that We, as a nation "hold these truths to be self-evident", that all people "are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness", I can vote for that candidate with a clear conscious. When you think about Natural Rights, the way minorities have been treated throughout our history as a nation, they have had as much a claim to revolution as our founding father did, fortunately We as a nation have used legislation instead of armed conflict to achieve those aims.
In my late teens early 20's I woud've considered myself a liberal. I thought republicans were a bunch of old racist white men. Without conceding to that claim I've found there's another form of racism on the left that's more insidious - that patrician attitude that "you're incapable of making it on your own. You need our help and we know what's best for you."

The change in ideology started for me when I was applying for a position one time and was encouraged to take advantage of my ethnicity (white/pacific islander) nevermind my qualifications.
Sorry; if you're not all white, then your not all right and neither is your opinion, so let the unalloyed ubermensch speak upon this topic alone.
What makes me hold the political views I do? Self-concept and personal preference. The only other option is to tow a party line, and I just don't care enough for groups of people to do that (while individuals may be fine, I find the more people you add to a group the lower the average IQ of the group will become, regardless of how intelligent the people being added may seem on their own).

In the end almost every relevant political question leads to a choice. Usually you're going to be faced with deciding between what you believe is right and what seems convenient. I suppose what makes me hold my own personal views is that I tend to favor what I believe is right.

Sam Fisher really has returned.

I'm sure we'll see him banned again soon. Sam can't help himself. He's publicly apologized and swore he'd never troll again... how many times? Only to return to his nature. :dunno: