Little Red Wagon Repairman
dude, your genes are recessive. you need to keep the white race alive
I hear 'ya and used to agree too. As soon as my dick got wet in some yellow pussy I was done and gone.
dude, your genes are recessive. you need to keep the white race alive
Sam, Of Brazilians, Portuguese, Spaniards, Italians, and Greeks. Which are white and which are not?
They are all white.
Whenever you mix an AZZHOLE with an AZZHOLE, they only thing that get´s out is another AZZHOLE .....Mr. Sam Fisher, AZZHOLE ! :angels:
A lot of you know by now that I was a sailor, ( 2nd. nautical mate ) , travelling round the planet on very different ships like tankers and cargo-heavylift-liners. Then I changed to hydraulic engineer + certified welder on aircargo-systems worldwide . I know from every *race* total IDIOTS + VEEERRYY intelligent + clever ppls. And I got friends in ANY COLOUR , and I got HATERS in any colour. I say COLOUR , because there is only ONE RACE , the HUMAN RACE . They just got different SKIN-COLOURS, ...thats ALL.
But I REALLY + ALWAYS have a problem with RELIGIOUS EXTREMISTS , who are not very interested to ACCEPT another religion. This maybe ISLAMISTS , HINDUISTS , CHRISTS ... and these AZZHOLES may have a skincolour whatever they need. ALL OF THEM ARE ONE THING ONLY .
A Z Z H O L E S !!!:angels:
Seriously, when was the last time a black person called any of you a "Cracker"?
Seriously, when was the last time a black person called any of you a "honkey"?
They are all white.
Brazil's new face has no white color anymore
The white race in Brazil has found itself in the minority. Young people in the country refer to themselves to those whose blood is a mixture of different races. The idea of the biological predominance of the white race has never been popular in the country.
lol I got negrepped by Johan and DPLOVER because I pointed out the bullshit double standard that exists in society. They called me racist for seeking fairness! LOL!!! Brainwashing at its finest.
No i called you a racist for being "against certain race mixing", nothing to do with pointing out double standards. Which ironically is something you seem to be suffering from if you are against certain races mixing but then try and claim you are seeking fairness.
These 2 cats are very different. But still they both are from the same race : Domestic short haired cat.
Race have nothing to do with look, it's about genes and genticians have proved it : all humans are from the same race.