Postal Paranoiac
With all of Disney's financial and otherwise power, Favreau has launched the second season of The Mandalorian. With all of the neato, keen references and surprises of the first season, how could the second season premier compare? Well, as it turns out, quite well. There wasn't much writing involved, since the entire story is not much more than an amalgam of spaghetti westerns, Deadwood, Dune, and seventy other easily recognizable sources. Mando is on the move with Yodette, looking for surviving Mandalorians to help him find the infant's own kind. His journey pits him against gangsters, strange new...and old...creatures, and some well-known voices (Hey! I know that voice!!!), until finally landing him into a deal to protect a town in terror. It's once again visually impressive, humorous, at times cute, and it does what Disney always does well: takes the mundane and makes it work anyway. You Star Wars geeks will be ejaculating in your britches at the very, very end. Season 2 is underway with a successful albeit familiar beginning. B+