What is the latest good film you watched ?

Edge Of Tomorrow on Sky Movies, knew little about it beforehand and just decided to watch it one night when skimming through the channels. Seeing as it had Tom Cruise in it I assumed it would just be one of these crappy Hollywood action movies like Oblivion, Transformers or Pacific Rim etc but it turned out to be a brilliant film on so many levels, one of those films that sticks in the mind for days after you watch it which is not what you can say about the majority of Hollywood action films nowadays. Have a lot more respect for Tom Cruise as an actor after watching the film as he plays the characters changing personality throughout the film perfectly.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Last week the wife and I watched "Saint Vincent", with Bill Murry. He played a dramatic role, the only one I've seen, and I thought he did a outstanding job.

I also recently watched "Fury", the WWII movie, with Brad Pitt as a tank commander. It wasn't "Saving Private Ryan" good, but it was a very good movie. I would buy either one on DVD when they come out.
Bryan Loves You.

And I went into this one ready to hate it, it surprised me. Did found footage right

