What is the latest good film you watched ?

Monsters (2010)

Very good movie. Its only time when it lets itself down that I can see is when it decides to show the creatures themselves, as Alien taught us it's always better to leave an element of ambiguity there when it comes to your creature.


Monsters (2010)

Very good movie. Its only time when it lets itself down that I can see is when it decides to show the creatures themselves, as Alien taught us it's always better to leave an element of ambiguity there when it comes to your creature.

True. However, if you didn't see the aliens, we would have missed out on that awesome moment at the end when the two meet and... Make love? Don't think I've ever seen that happen in a monster movie before, and it didn't even feel funny, which I'm sure many other movies would have.
if your in the military or was in the military, I totally recommend a movie called The Lucky Ones. i saw it last night and it was a pretty good god damn flick. :clap:
Evil Dead trilogy
Rocky. :bowdown:

*Apparently my mom has never seen any of them :)facepalm:), so I obviously am making her watch all 6. Just finished the first one and WOW. Even after seeing it a billion times, it's STILL amazing. :2 cents::D