What is the latest good film you watched ?


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I just saw The Guardian. It was surprisingly REALLY GOOD.


what the fuck you lookin at?
Ghost Rider! Finally, great flick, I thought. I know most people said is sucks. But Nicolis Cage isn't that bad an actor IMO. I know most comic book -> movies suck. But if you look at it from an entertainment standpoint and not how well it goes with the original comic, it's really not that bad! Same goes for video game -> movie.

You can't argue one thing though...the bike is fuckin sick! :thumbsup:
Last night g/f and I watched the seriously underrated, awesome Troy

Will be going tonight to see either 1408 or Evan Almighty


what the fuck you lookin at?
Will be going tonight to see either 1408 or Evan Almighty

That's an easy choice! You want her to laugh or cling to your arm?


Closed Account
The Fountain

Beautiful, but the story was all over the place. Needed to clean it up a bit, then it would probably be in my top 20
American Soldiers: A Day in Iraq

I never realized that Iraq and Canada look so similiar.
I liked it too. Wacky!

Yeah wacky :). It is based on a novel and from some things I read somewhere (must have been imdb), it is more or less a true story and Johnny Depp's character is the writer of the novel Hunter S. Thompson.
Lastly, there's a ******* (containing audio -mp3s-) with a Hunter S. Thompson's lecture at Boulder University, haven't download it yet but I guess it is nice stuff.