What is the latest good film you watched ?


Staff member
Lock, stock and 2 barrels

I don't watch too many Norwegian movies,but this was pretty good.It also had the guy who plays Jamie Lannister from Game Of Thrones as the bad guy.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Lock, stock and 2 barrels

That's a very good movie. I really enjoyed it. I also really enjoyed another Guy Ritchie movie, which has a similar feel (that I think was even better): RocknRolla. Check it out if you haven't already seen it. Great soundtrack too!

Another really good movie, that got almost zero press and few saw, is Blackthorn, starring Sam Shephard. It's a fictional theory on what happened to Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid in South America. It's a seriously well written and very entertaining movie, IMO.




I'm so horny, even the crack of dawn isn't safe
"To Have and Have Not"
Bagart & Bacall meet on set,1944

Magic it is.


Also saw The Hobbit but would only call it good, not awesome. Should be better in the 2 more movies to come when they get to the meat of the story.