Revenge of The Nerds.
Haha Ogre is brilliant so he is. One of my favourite characters.
One scene in the second movie I think it was (might have been the first movie not sure) was where the principle was up on stage reading something out. And it was Ogre's turn to come up onstage and speak or receive something.
The scene went something like this.....
Principle: "Next up is Fred Palowakski"
And so Ogre storms onto the stage and approaches the Principle
Ogre: "It's Ogre you ass hole!"
Principle: "Sorry I mean Ogre you ass hole."
LMFAO I remember that scene more than any other for some reason. Oh fuck I just came in mind of another scene. One of the nerds with black curly hair was going door to door for something and he chapped some guys door and the guy just answered by looking through the letterbox and shouting to him to "Fuck off!" lol hahaha