What is the latest good film you watched ?


Closed Account
Shawshank Redemption

DVD for £2, bargain. That final scene pulls on my heart strings everytime. I don't cry, but i could forgive someone if they did, lol.
Shawshank Redemption

DVD for £2, bargain. That final scene pulls on my heart strings everytime. I don't cry, but i could forgive someone if they did, lol.

Blockbuster US always does 3/$20 and sometimes, 2/$10. I've also seen BOGO for 2/$5 so that's about 1.25 pounds each. That's how I bought the Aviator on BOGO, so the selection is pretty good sometimes. They also come with a month guarantee.

dick van cock

Closed Account
Not a good one - rather cheesy and superficial:

Havana w/ Robert Redford and Lena Olin. A cheap Casablanca-rip off.

But Alan Arkin is in it. (great guy!!!) 5 / 10
Every once a while, I'll pull out my copy of "Cool Hand Luke"...
I just watched 2001 a couple of nights ago. Still one of the most visually stunning movies ever.
Not a good one - rather cheesy and superficial:

Havana w/ Robert Redford and Lena Olin. A cheap Casablanca-rip off.

But Alan Arkin is in it. (great guy!!!) 5 / 10

I like Alan Arkin, in Little Murders, Edward Scissorhands, Catch 22, Four Days in September, Slums of Beverly Hills, and a lot of other films. He is now filming Get Smart from the 60's TV series. Lena Olin looked good in The Unbearable Lightness of Being.

Little Children was another crossing lives type of film with a few twists and really wasn't bad.
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Saving Silverman, I recommend it



dick van cock

Closed Account
Five Graves to Cairo


The brilliant Erich v. Stroheim as a villainous Field Marshall Rommel whips Anne Baxter's face. A very long shot from James Mason's heroic portrayal of Rommel in The Desert Fox 7/ 10.

The Professionals


Two of my all-time favs (Lancaster and Lee Marvin) in a rough and tough western. Clearly influenced by Sergio Leone's spaghettis. Great fun to watch!
8 / 10