What is the latest good film you watched ?

Ip Man with Donnie Yen. It's about the Wing Chun master that taught Bruce Lee and his life right before and during the Japanese invasion of China. The fights are awesome but I expect nothing less from Donnie Yen and it's probably his best performance as an actor. Good stuff.:thumbsup:
ghosts of girlfriends past ...


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Clerks II.
Race to witch Mountain ... :)
Troll (1986).
I hadn't watched it since it was new. I forgot all about it. Is it one of the greatest cinema masterpieces?...uh...

Anyway, it's VERY interesting that one of the main characters, the boy hero, is named HARRY POTTER.
It's also interesting that this Harry Potter was also surrounded by trolls and magic.
Did J.K. Rowling do a bit of, um, "borrowing" to create her books?


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Don't Look Down.