What is the latest good film you watched ?


Splinter Pretty good horror flick. I enjoyed the simplicity of it. And the fact they don't bother going into any back story of where the "thing" comes from.


Gran Torino

If this really is Clint's retirement, it's a great way to end it. Very pleasantly surprised by the whole thing. The script is superb, I think I even learnt some new insults.
yes man its so funny
Gran Torino

If this really is Clint's retirement, it's a great way to end it. Very pleasantly surprised by the whole thing. The script is superb, I think I even learnt some new insults.



Brilliant movie :thumbsup: I saw it saturday and I loved it.

I watched Dirty Harry the other day also.

So I'm just having a Clint Eastwood week here at BlueBalls towers, I think I might chuck on The Good The Bad and The Ugly later to round out the week :thumbsup:


Postal Paranoiac
Steel Toes--with a fine performance from David Strathairn and an exceptional performance from Andrew Walker.

My girlfriend and I had been talking about it the other day. Watched it last night and brought back a lot of good memories from when I was little. I had mentioned about how much Ghostbusters has impacted a lot of things. Whenever I see those old ambulances, I think of Ecto-1 and remember the siren. Whenever I see someone do something with marshmellows, I think of the Stay Puff Marshmellow Man. Whenever I pick up the phone and someone askes me "Who you gonna call?" I always want to say "Ghostbusters!" Good and funny movie.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
A few days ago I watched a foreign, Chinese movie called "The King of Masks". Personally, I thought this was a truly inspiring story about the truly important things in life.

Here is a link to it's IMDB page...


In all honesty, I thought this was an excellent movie. I would highly recommend it.


Closed Account
lamb of god terror and hubris
lamb of god killadelphia
lamb of god walk with me in hell

pantera 3 vulgur videos from hell

thier is so many references too pantera home videos. In all three of lamb of gods dvds it's really insane im not really sure if they were intended that way ?