What is the latest good film you watched ?

Dominion, Prequel to the exorcist ...
Eagle Eye, I just couldn't keep my eye off Shia Labeouf.
The French movie La Tourneuse de Pages is pretty good. If you like stylish semi-psychological revenge-thrillers. Déborah François is so incredibly cute in that movie.

If you liked Last House On the Left, Deliverance or Misery, you need to check out 2004's Calvaire as well.


Heartbreak Kid

My girlfriend forced to watch it thinking it was a chick flick, she was wrong. I ended up liking it more than her. Great anti-romance ending too.


Closed Account
saw1-4 getting ready too go see 5 i did notice well watching each flim stand's on thier own. so it really does not matter what order you watch them in still like one the best.

the blair witch project

blairwitch 2 book of shadows

resident evil

american psycho

the grudge like it way better then the ring