What is the latest good film you watched ?

Matchstick Men


Junior - Staring Arnold Swatzanagger and Danny DeVito
I didn't really like that. Isn't that about jack the ripper?
Yeah that's the one. I always liked it but I know a lot of people didn't, including Alan Moore (the writer of the graphic novel). In fact Alan Moore has become so fed up with movie versions of his graphic novels (From Hell, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen) that he refused to be credited for V For Vendetta. I hope he has a change of heart when Watchmen comes out.

Comic Movie Marathon:
Judge Dredd


Take a Hit, Spunker!

Great action movie!!


Postal Paranoiac
I'm halfway through 10,000 B.C. I liked the mammoth stampede scene. :D
Spider-Man 3

Saw it for the first time yesterday. (HBO) It was pretty cool, especially the action scenes, but they squeezed a bit too much into it. It lacked cohesion and would leave you with a "huh?" if you're a keen viewer. Loved Sandman. :D and Bryce Dallas Howard!
Definetly "The Mist" - from beginning till end !!!

have to wait until next week for "The Happening"


Closed Account

I give it 10/10 for absolute ridiculousness!

Looks good, and the action is pretty cool, but this is definitely one to switch your brain off for. It has a little twist at the end which was nice, but the plot doesn't go too deep.

Also 10/10 for Angelina Jolie's ass :D
The Myth

fan of Jackie Chan ...