Just saw it today... had the theater almost entirely to myself.
I liked it but there were definitely things I didn't like as well.
- Hot chicks. Marlena looked a lot like Asia Argento in Land of the Dead. And she was the lesser of the three hotties.
- Awesome mayhem and city destruction.
- Crazy weird monsters
- A cool, different approach to monster-fodder/dsposable characters. You can pretty much expect them all to get dead by the end but this was probably the most creative way of doing it in a long time.
- Hud. I couldn't wait for that douche to die. I couldn't stand his voice. I couldn't stand what he looked like. He sucked. if I had to pick a disposable character to fill that role I'd go with Bert from Cabin Fever. He was pretty cool in that movie, had a much more tolerable voice, was funny, and wasn't such a sissy ass.
- The whole thing leading up to the monster. Could have done without it being that long, but I get it... character development and all...
- Not seeing enough of the monster. Again, I understand, especially after the movies that followed Aliens that showed so much of the monster it all but desensitized the whole experience. I'll probably be happier when this comes out on DVD because then I can pause the holy hell out of it.
I'd say for that reason they already have their work cut out for them on DVD sales. I'm sure I'm not the only one who wants to watch it again with the option to stop it to look at the monster(s).
- The military moving into the city in what was probably less than 20 minutes... tanks and all. Just not buying that BS.
- Shaky cam. I was definitely getting my queeze on at a few points. It wasn't terrible but I'd rather have just watched it like a normal movie.
- The end. I kept reading about if you watch before the credits you see something falling from the sky or something? I didn't see SHIT!!! I sat through all the credits just to make sure I wasn't missing something. The only perk being that the Roar! (Cloverfield Overture). I liked that... had a definite classic monster movie thing going with the "opera" singer.