What is the latest good film you watched ?

National Treasure The Book of Secrets I saw yesterday and it was as good as the first one. Of course you have to like the first one to enjoy the second.
"The Insider" was a great film. :thumbsup:

But AFA: "Gangs of New York"....:throwup:
"Last of the Mohicans"...:thumbsup::sunny:
National Treasure The Book of Secrets
I Am Legend

National Treasure was good, though as mentioned in the same vain as the first, so if you didn't like it don't bother.

On video just watched Transformers. I actually found it easier to watch on the small screen. Enjoyable the second time, though the Sector 7 agent still annoys me.
bone collector
the get away (the original one from 1972 with steve mc queen)
Watched Sweeney Todd the other day, which was awesome. Putting music to throat cutting is always fun. Watched Walk Hard too. That was pretty funny. Though I think there are other Judd Apatow films that are funnier
God Told Me To.

Seriously weird Larry Cohen flick, guys with vaginas? WTF!
Peter Jackson's The Frighteners: Directors Cut.

14 minutes longer and for the first time in the UK, the full version of Jeffrey Combs' death scene!


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Blues Brothers 2000
Have you seen Planet Terror? It is the hottest movie i have seen in a while. Just bought the dvd and it rocks. I was not exactly thrilled by transformers and Spiderman 3 but i would definitely recommend Pan's labyrinth.